I can't do Dips


New member
Ok, so I guess technically I can. I'm strong enough to push myself up with my triceps, but everytime I do bodyweight Dips, I get this spasm in the middle of my back and I feel it start to get tense and tighten up...even with good form. I have to stop after 5-6 reps. To be honest, it kinda pisses me off! Seated Dips are fine. Anyone else have this happen? What's my deal?
sounds like you should see a DOC bro. I'm not very strong on most chest/tricep exercises but I knock dips out like nobody's business. I even do them with a dip belt and either a plate or a dumbell all the time. I would agree with Saudedes in that it sounds like a nerve. Maybe see a chiro?
err...that's Saudades...lol, j/k.

In all seriousness, it does sound like a nerve, and a doc could probably help you out.
That explains a lot then. Funny thing is I've been to the doc about 8 times in the past few years because of back problems. I've even seen a chiro for a while. None of them ever mentioned a pinched nerve.
saudades said:
err...that's Saudades...lol, j/k.

In all seriousness, it does sound like a nerve, and a doc could probably help you out.
sorry i forgot, it's hard to spell. can i just call you "sadness"?

have you mentioned to the docs that you have a problem doing Dips?
im fucked up too with dips. i feel the pain in my shoulders???
h8tr3d said:
im fucked up too with dips. i feel the pain in my shoulders???
just like with benchpress, you gotta roll your shoulders back during the movement. Are your shoulders generally a strongpoint relative to your chest?

also, when doing dips, how far over you lean helps deteremine what muscle you hit. I do dips for chest only. I lean forward but keep my shoulders rolled back. It should hit the lower chest region. Also keep elbows out.
for triceps, you keep your body more upright and elbows in.
dips should be an easy and natural movement for everyone. Back in the day "bodybuilders" did pushups and dips to develop their chests, shoulders and triceps the bench press was created for people who couldn't lift their own bodyweight enough to get a good workout in. The same thing applies for the lat pulldown, it was developed specifically for people who couldn't lift their own bodyweight so they could gain enough strength to perform bodyweight exercises.