I hate carbs


New member
I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely hate carbs. I don't get any of the benefits from them and only the side - getting fat. Every pr lift I have hit in the last 6 months has come on low carb diet. I hit a 500x8 squat on only 50 g of carbs ed and a 550lb 6 inch deficit deadlift with something like 200g of carbs and I'm weighing about 198 right now. I look way leaner than my avatar pic. I do best with carbs at 150g or lower. I feel great, think clearly, and look great. I hate carbs so much that even if I hypothetically could win 1 million dollars if I added 50 lbs to my squat in a month, I still wouldn't eat more than 200g of carbs ed. Eating 100-200g 6 days a week with a 500g carb up day works perfectly for me.

The best macro nutrient IMO is fat. I get better pumps and energy from a high fat diet that a 500g ed carb diet. Fat is the tits - great energy, quick and easy options to eat like pb, almonds, olive oil ect, makes skin look good, and is great for sex drive.

They should rename the macronutrients: protein should be called tissue, fats should be called energy, and carbs should be called fat - as in eat them if you want to be fat.

Before I rag on carbs too much their are times where they work magic. A small amount is ok for breakfast. The real magic happens pre, during, and post training. A good protocol is 30g complex at breakfast, 50g complex pre training, 30g fast during training, and 50g complex post training. For me (and everyone is different) carbs outside of those times are only useful for my taste buds. Oh and they are useful on the carb-up day which is essential to keep from damaging the metabolism.

But other than that, I fucking hate carbs.

OH and I don't take gh or insulin so this probably makes me biased. As a matter of fact, if you did my protocol on slin you might die LOL.

Sorry for the rant, but is anyone else like this?
I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely hate carbs. I don't get any of the benefits from them and only the side - getting fat. Every pr lift I have hit in the last 6 months has come on low carb diet. I hit a 500x8 squat on only 50 g of carbs ed and a 550lb 6 inch deficit deadlift with something like 200g of carbs and I'm weighing about 198 right now. I look way leaner than my avatar pic. I do best with carbs at 150g or lower. I feel great, think clearly, and look great. I hate carbs so much that even if I hypothetically could win 1 million dollars if I added 50 lbs to my squat in a month, I still wouldn't eat more than 200g of carbs ed. Eating 100-200g 6 days a week with a 500g carb up day works perfectly for me.

The best macro nutrient IMO is fat. I get better pumps and energy from a high fat diet that a 500g ed carb diet. Fat is the tits - great energy, quick and easy options to eat like pb, almonds, olive oil ect, makes skin look good, and is great for sex drive.

They should rename the macronutrients: protein should be called tissue, fats should be called energy, and carbs should be called fat - as in eat them if you want to be fat.

Before I rag on carbs too much their are times where they work magic. A small amount is ok for breakfast. The real magic happens pre, during, and post training. A good protocol is 30g complex at breakfast, 50g complex pre training, 30g fast during training, and 50g complex post training. For me (and everyone is different) carbs outside of those times are only useful for my taste buds. Oh and they are useful on the carb-up day which is essential to keep from damaging the metabolism.

But other than that, I fucking hate carbs.

OH and I don't take gh or insulin so this probably makes me biased. As a matter of fact, if you did my protocol on slin you might die LOL.

Sorry for the rant, but is anyone else like this?

Thats crazy bro, goes against conventional wisdom , but you know your body better then anyone else, and your luckier then most in that you can keep low carbs and stay strong as hell!
I'm pretty close that too but with another 50-100 grams of carbs a day. My job is physical so you'd think I'd need more carbs but no. I do better with small amounts of fast carbs meal to meal rather than slow carbs to fill in the gaps between meals too, completely ass backwards lol
You guys should hear Ben Pakulski's opinion on carbs. You don't need as many carbs as you think he says,
I've started skipping carbs at bf and it feels great just eggs, veggies and healthy fats. He also says not to have carbs pre w/o as it makes you lazy and drops energy levels. I am still researching more on this one.
But I am convinced that carbs are over rated and carb cycling is the way to go!
Thats crazy bro, goes against conventional wisdom , but you know your body better then anyone else, and your luckier then most in that you can keep low carbs and stay strong as hell!

It took me forever to figure myself out so to speak because keeping carbs that low even on a bulk is a huge 'no-no' according to conventional wisdom like you said!

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I'm pretty close that too but with another 50-100 grams of carbs a day. My job is physical so you'd think I'd need more carbs but no. I do better with small amounts of fast carbs meal to meal rather than slow carbs to fill in the gaps between meals too, completely ass backwards lol

I am the same way. I think fast carbs are very useful. Another thing I have noticed is that carb selection for me makes a huge difference. Anything corn related I seem to tolerate well, while grains just bloat me and add bf quickly.

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You guys should hear Ben Pakulski's opinion on carbs. You don't need as many carbs as you think he says,
I've started skipping carbs at bf and it feels great just eggs, veggies and healthy fats. He also says not to have carbs pre w/o as it makes you lazy and drops energy levels. I am still researching more on this one.
But I am convinced that carbs are over rated and carb cycling is the way to go!

He is an interesting dude. I'd love to hear his opinion. I'm not sure if I could skip carbs pre workout though. I think preworkout glycogen is very important.
i cant fuction with out carbs. feel i would pass out or some shit..lol.no realy if i dont eat carbs i shake get moody and thats just on a normal day.
did cardio today had my pre work out meal 1030-11 hit the gym by 12 back at work by 2 and i was shaking my hands where tembling had a huge plate of pasta and mince with a quick shake before hand to get me level headed before i sat down to eat.
and no cards before a work out well dont make me laugh...but i am a ectomorph so i need em..oats for breakfast sweetpots for pre and oat bran and protein post..
i cant fuction with out carbs. feel i would pass out or some shit..lol.no realy if i dont eat carbs i shake get moody and thats just on a normal day.
did cardio today had my pre work out meal 1030-11 hit the gym by 12 back at work by 2 and i was shaking my hands where tembling had a huge plate of pasta and mince with a quick shake before hand to get me level headed before i sat down to eat.
and no cards before a work out well dont make me laugh...but i am a ectomorph so i need em..oats for breakfast sweetpots for pre and oat bran and protein post..

You are the norm man. Nothing wrong with that. You can train yourself to eat less though.
I love carbs!

I also think carb cycling is a fantastic way to bulk OR cut. Low carb days feel good because I'm not stuffed but without carbs I run out of horsepower in the gym. I have run Keto diets several times (less than 20 grams carbs daily) and I can drop weight fast but have no desire or energy to train hard and long.

Anyway, different strokes for different folks.
I love carbs, pizza pizza pizza lol. Wish I could cut my carbs out but damn I love eating.
I don't know this for a fact, but I have heard that when pro bodybuilders are getting close to a contest and reducing carbs to almost zero, they get really irritable and bitchy as hell.