I hit 585 on bench feel great


New member
yes today on my 2nd time using a bench shirt i got 585 that went easy next time will be 600.
i think i can get 650 but i want to take baby steps to be safe the body cvan only take somuch.
i am one happy mofo :D
crazy awesome, good for you bud, im like 200lbs behind ya lol. Kepp up the good work and training, youll hit soon enough
fucking monster...what's your stats if you don't mind me asking and...

asl please, jk

But for real, how much do you weigh?
fuck bro thats some serious weight for for those stats congrats thats somethin to be proud of keep that shit coming
thanx to all of you guys, but i got to said when you train whit the best you do alot bettere my work out partner he has the record in hes class 755lbs so it helps alot tranning whit him.
and there is another guy he will compete at the arnold class. so is great.
thanx guys.
www.apf-iowa.com check out. i dont want to say names because they may get in trouble. check out the videos.
Holy Bench Press Batman! Good job. I can leg press that weight.
holy shit...another iowa bro on here....damn...first dude from iowa ive seen on 4 boards that im on.....holy fuck there are some big strong fuckers there....

my best was 535 no suit my sr. year in college...injuries have killed me.....i need to get up to dbq and see whats going on up there....fuck!