I started accutane today


New member
I had bad acne on tri's shoulder nothing works tried everything so am using 60mg of accutane for 15 days is all I have.

It is a small dosage I seen some use up to 120mg per day but I am in a cycle and gonna see what smaller dosages do.

I will keep updated if anyone interested.
I was on accutane a couple years ago. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL! My liver was temporarily damaged and I had to get blood tests for several months until it became normal again. You should get your blood tests for possible liver damage even if you don't drink.

It effects 15% of the people, and I was one of them.
no shit, wow i wasnt aware it was that damaging or could it have been anything else? sounds odd bro, but i take ur word for it
Has anyone used the topical accutane.
How effective was it?

I can get 2, 30 gram tubes for 20.00!!
AtypicalNoob said:
I was on accutane a couple years ago. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL! My liver was temporarily damaged and I had to get blood tests for several months until it became normal again. You should get your blood tests for possible liver damage even if you don't drink.

It effects 15% of the people, and I was one of them.

It happened to me, too. I was jaundiced for 3 weeks and lost 20 lbs. Checking liver values is mandatory!
Bro, Accutane is serious business, especially because you are on a cycle and your liver is in a precious state already. Hell, the acne is on your arms- use a good exfoliator and some benzoyl peroxide (try a 10% topical cream). Accutane is great stuff, but to use it only for your arms is crazy. I would discontinue use ASAP.
Accutane is very potent... just make sure you follow the docs instructions and I hope you read up on it
I used enough b-5 to blow a liver was taking 8,000mg per day (thats 32 250mg caps) and noticed very little changes.
my bro was on topical accutane

then he got put on a high dosage of the pill and he said that worked alot better for him.
Thanks for posting this DG good info i was thinking of going to
doc to get scrip ive heard 60mg a day works.
How long you on it for?isnt norm 2 months?
no I have roche soft gels 20mg I only have enough right now to run 60mg for 10 days. I am gonna get more I also have some antibiotics if I have to get off accutane I do want to continue using it.
Iam going to do some research on the liquid,
Would appreciate any info on doseage and length of research
anyone in here use accutane before if so how long and doseage
please. Thanks CJ
Presser said:
no shit, wow i wasnt aware it was that damaging or could it have been anything else? sounds odd bro, but i take ur word for it

Accutane is definitely a liver toxic drug. Like 17aa's and alcohol, too much over too long of a period of time and you can cause damge to the liver. I however have a liver of steel and have been using Accutane (albeit low doses) off and on for the past 3 years.
DangerousGround said:
Has anyone used the topical accutane.
How effective was it?

I can get 2, 30 gram tubes for 20.00!!

Its supposed to work about as well as Retin-A when used topically. Retin-A is Tretinoin, Accutane is Isotret.
DangerousGround said:
I used enough b-5 to blow a liver was taking 8,000mg per day (thats 32 250mg caps) and noticed very little changes.

Same here, in fact i was up to 15g a day at one point!
DangerousGround said:
3rd day @ 60mg a day and the oil production and acne is going away very fast.

Expect your acne to get worse in the first 2 weeks through the first month...it gets much better after that. Load up on lip balm (Burt's Beeswax s the best Aquaphor is good too), you will need it for your dry, cracked and bleeding lips.

Try to hook up with some more Accutane, you really should beon it for a full 3-6months to reap its full benifits.

I used to be on 120mg back in high school, for 3 months...never had acne till about 4 years later. Dermatologist put me on 40mg for about 4 months, and was again clear till i started juicin. Now I take 40mg ED while on, and 20mg ED when off...in fact I drop the dose down to 20mg EOD at times.
Cracker Jack said:
Iam going to do some research on the liquid,
Would appreciate any info on doseage and length of research
anyone in here use accutane before if so how long and doseage
please. Thanks CJ

If you have mild BUT persistant acne 20mg-40mg for 3 months should do you well. Serious acne would probably require 60-80mg ED for 3 months. Cystic and Nodular acne would probably require 100mg-120mg a day for 3 months to 6 months. If you have light to mild acne that goes away easily, best to stick to something other than Tane.