IF test is test.....


MuscleChemistry member
then why do people say that the type of ester it is attached to will make you hold water more than other ester's? Or does it? Is this just BS or is there facts to backs this?:lurk:
good question. And also... if test is test, why do people say they get better results using prop over cyp, or sust over enan, etc?
i've seen people run test e all the way up to a show....they just inj more frequently.....i don't know the science behind it
the longer esters, will sit longer in ya, and have a chance to turn into estrogen, but a shorter ester will be in and out of ya, before it can do that. I know Palumbo, believes that if you are running arimadex you can run a longer ester, all the way into your show. but, IMO, I still believe in the old school method of doing shorter ester's (even with an anti E) to hold less water...For one, its acutlly more test per ml, plus it hits ya right away (susp. within an hour, TNE in oil within 90 mins) and since its in and out, you dont have a chance to hold any water with it, cause it doesnt have time to convert over to estrogen...IMO...
good question. And also... if test is test, why do people say they get better results using prop over cyp, or sust over enan, etc?
all the sust I have ever seen has enan in it, I think sus works better bc it has the blend so ur body dont get used to the 1 ester, and it has short and long in it. always have seen and have got better results from sus personally
all the sust I have ever seen has enan in it, I think sus works better bc it has the blend so ur body dont get used to the 1 ester, and it has short and long in it. always have seen and have got better results from sus personally
same here. It's my bread and butter
Testosterone cypionate, on the other hand, has a high partition coefficient. When injected into the muscle, the drug remains in its esterified form in a deposit in the muscle tissue. From there, it will slowly enter the circulation as it is picked up in small quantities by the blood. Once the esterified testosterone is brought into the blood stream, "esterase enzymes" cleave off the ester chain in a process known as "hydrolization," thus leaving the testosterone in its free form to perform its various actions and effects.

Found this while searching for info. So according to this, You can inject a short ester more freqently or just let the long ester slowly release it in small quantities by the blood stream.
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^^^^^ So it's like a lot of prescription drugs with time release coating in a way. You can take a higher dosage and let the mg gradually release or you can take a bunch of lower doses of a drug without the time release.
^^ also it tells me that when doing long esters, if your going to run a high dose (ex. 1,000mgs/wk) it is best to inject all 1,000mgs at once. That way, it would all be released into your body by the time you inject again.
^^ also it tells me that when doing long esters, if your going to run a high dose (ex. 1,000mgs/wk) it is best to inject all 1,000mgs at once. That way, it would all be released into your body by the time you inject again.

Even at low doses I expect that's the case. My endo has just put me on HRT, starting at 100mg/wk....but I shoot it as 200mg every 2 weeks. I asked if I could split it up into 100mg shot every week to prevent the peaks and troughs and she said not to do that for the reason you just listed.
the longer esters, will sit longer in ya, and have a chance to turn into estrogen, but a shorter ester will be in and out of ya, before it can do that. I know Palumbo, believes that if you are running arimadex you can run a longer ester, all the way into your show. but, IMO, I still believe in the old school method of doing shorter ester's (even with an anti E) to hold less water...For one, its acutlly more test per ml, plus it hits ya right away (susp. within an hour, TNE in oil within 90 mins) and since its in and out, you dont have a chance to hold any water with it, cause it doesnt have time to convert over to estrogen...IMO...

This is exactly why. It's the estrogen conversion that causes the water retention. The shorter esters give less chance of conversion thus less water retention.
^^ also it tells me that when doing long esters, if your going to run a high dose (ex. 1,000mgs/wk) it is best to inject all 1,000mgs at once. That way, it would all be released into your body by the time you inject again.

You know I was contempating this because I'm taking 1200mgs a week and I've been wanting to cut down on shots so I was thinking of doing 2 600mg doses instead of 6 200mg or 4 300mg. Same thing with EQ @ 600mg/week. Could do all 600mg at once and have 3 shots total instead of 4-5 for the week.

This is important to this argument.
You lose Test mg due to the longer length of the ester.
100mg Test Prop converts into I believe is around 93mg... as where 100mg Test cyp converts into like 63mg Test. So the breaking down of the longer ester makes you actually lose some of the actual test hormone you want. I'm sick with the flu or I would be more helpful and go get the link.

Basically Suspension is 1:1 You put in 100mg you get 100mg... tho with the esters the longer the ester you go with the less test you actually get and the more water retention you will hold as you go down the length.

Hope this helps fellas.
good point envy, but long esters are higher dosed to counteract this
and cyp or enant are 72mg per 100mg used
You know I was contempating this because I'm taking 1200mgs a week and I've been wanting to cut down on shots so I was thinking of doing 2 600mg doses instead of 6 200mg or 4 300mg. Same thing with EQ @ 600mg/week. Could do all 600mg at once and have 3 shots total instead of 4-5 for the week.

I guess it depends also on how big the pockets are that your making, I know some ppl dont care on here but fuck anything bigger than 2ml pockets for me
This is exactly why. It's the estrogen conversion that causes the water retention. The shorter esters give less chance of conversion thus less water retention.

True, but say with Test Prop. if your shoting it ED or EOD, then your just keep adding esters to the body every time you shot. ??

Also I see Test Susp. to be the only one that may hold any truth to this concept.
True, but say with Test Prop. if your shoting it ED or EOD, then your just keep adding esters to the body every time you shot. ??

Also I see Test Susp. to be the only one that may hold any truth to this concept.

yes but that ester doesnt build up, it is desolved (for lack of a better term) faster. if you use enanthate that has a longer half life it will stay in your system longer.

and like chris250 said earlier if you use suspension you actually get more test out of it.

this is from a medical drug guide i happen to have.

TIME/ACTION PROFILE (androgenic effects†)

<TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 80%" border=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorLight=#d63348 borderColorDark=#d63348 cellPadding=5><THEAD><TR borderColorLight=#d63348 borderColorDark=#d63348 FRAME="below"><TH vAlign=top align=left>ROUTE</TH><TH vAlign=top align=left>ONSET</TH><TH vAlign=top align=left>PEAK</TH><TH vAlign=top align=left>DURATION</TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR borderColorLight=#d63348 borderColorDark=#d63348><TD vAlign=top>IM--cypionate, enanthate</TD><TD vAlign=top>unknown</TD><TD vAlign=top>unknown</TD><TD vAlign=top>2-4 wk</TD></TR><TR borderColorLight=#d63348 borderColorDark=#d63348><TD vAlign=top>IM--propionate</TD><TD vAlign=top>unknown</TD><TD vAlign=top>unknown</TD><TD vAlign=top>1-3 days</TD></TR><TR borderColorLight=#d63348 borderColorDark=#d63348><TD vAlign=top>Buccal</TD><TD vAlign=top>unknown</TD><TD vAlign=top>10-12 hr</TD><TD vAlign=top>12 hr</TD></TR><TR borderColorLight=#d63348 borderColorDark=#d63348><TD vAlign=top>Pellets</TD><TD vAlign=top>unknown</TD><TD vAlign=top>unknown</TD><TD vAlign=top>3-6 mo</TD></TR><TR borderColorLight=#d63348 borderColorDark=#d63348><TD vAlign=top>Transdermal</TD><TD vAlign=top>unknown</TD><TD vAlign=top>6-8 hr‡</TD><TD vAlign=top>24 hr§</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>†Response is highly variable among individuals; may take months
‡Plasma testosterone levels following applications of patch
§Following patch removal
yes but that ester doesnt build up, it is desolved (for lack of a better term) faster. if you use enanthate that has a longer half life it will stay in your system longer.

and like chris250 said earlier if you use suspension you actually get more test out of it.

this is from a medical drug guide i happen to have.

TIME/ACTION PROFILE (androgenic effects†)

<table style="font-size: 80%;" bordercolorlight="#d63348" bordercolordark="#d63348" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><thead><tr bordercolorlight="#d63348" bordercolordark="#d63348" frame="below"><th align="left" valign="top">ROUTE</th><th align="left" valign="top">ONSET</th><th align="left" valign="top">PEAK</th><th align="left" valign="top">DURATION</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr bordercolorlight="#d63348" bordercolordark="#d63348"><td valign="top">IM--cypionate, enanthate</td><td valign="top">unknown</td><td valign="top">unknown</td><td valign="top">2-4 wk</td></tr><tr bordercolorlight="#d63348" bordercolordark="#d63348"><td valign="top">IM--propionate</td><td valign="top">unknown</td><td valign="top">unknown</td><td valign="top">1-3 days</td></tr><tr bordercolorlight="#d63348" bordercolordark="#d63348"><td valign="top">Buccal</td><td valign="top">unknown</td><td valign="top">10-12 hr</td><td valign="top">12 hr</td></tr><tr bordercolorlight="#d63348" bordercolordark="#d63348"><td valign="top">Pellets</td><td valign="top">unknown</td><td valign="top">unknown</td><td valign="top">3-6 mo</td></tr><tr bordercolorlight="#d63348" bordercolordark="#d63348"><td valign="top">Transdermal</td><td valign="top">unknown</td><td valign="top">6-8 hr‡</td><td valign="top">24 hr§</td></tr></tbody></table>†Response is highly variable among individuals; may take months
‡Plasma testosterone levels following applications of patch
§Following patch removal

chris is correct and this is correct. Its really simple in the end. The greater the ester the higher the potential for water retention. The faster acting the test the more frequent and painful the injections. If you are doing HRT, they usually do cyp or enth simply because its easier on the patient both physically and mentally. Easier on the wallet too.

Im a big fan of prop or susp precontest, otherwise i have my guys space out their injections of cyp and enth to avoid troughs
This as really turned out to be a great thread with some good info. Thanks for everyones input.