If you could go back what would you do differently?


in regards to training....

i would have waited to use gear, ate more (took years for me to realize this one), trained everything 2x a week when i was younger.

thats it for now.
I would have taken better care of joints and stretched lol im feeling much older then I think i should for sure. I feel some of the aches and pains and surgeries could have been avoided with warming up stretching and not listening to that voice in my head that always seems to say "I bet I could lift more"... in fact I would have ignored that voice a time or two also lol
I would have ate more and tried to be a little more patient when putting together a cycle and wait until I had everything together. My training would also be different by doing more volume and not being so worried about adding weight every time. I always trained for strength thinking it would automatically increase my size, which it didn't. I got strong but not so big. Like Yoda, I would also be more concerned about protecting my joints and flexibility. I always went so heavy so soon that I wrecked my elbows doing heavy skullcrushers and pulled a pec doing bench press before I was really ready to handle the weight. The muscles were ready, but not the joints.
in regards to training....

i would have waited to use gear, ate more (took years for me to realize this one), trained everything 2x a week when i was younger.

thats it for now.

Simple enough...I agree totally. I was using gear in high school. I was starting goalie varsity hockey all 4 years, til my senior yr. A friend of mine got busted for juicing and told the school we were doing it together. Got benched for the rest of the season. Nevermind the hockey...let's talk about the shame it brought to my folks. Aside from the regular reasons to wait til your done growing and do a ton of research, think about all the opportunity that go right out the window when something like that goes down.

I'm sure you're probably starting to understand why I was in Marine Corps boot camp within 30 days of graduating high school and couldn't get there fast enough!!

The lesson learned here, this shit can without a doubt FUCK YOUR LIFE UP!!! Don't be a dummy like I was!!!
i would have cycled instead of staying on...also i would have not gone to super high dosing as soon as i did...
I wouldn't have gotten into the fight at work when I ruptured my pec, wouldn't have lifted that motor out of the back of my truck with CH3NO2 and ruptured my bicep. I'd also pay more attention to scar tissue at injection sites
I would have done more research and learned before I started-the first cycle is your most productive

75mg/eod of tren A for 6 weeks...no test no PCT I came off and crashed hard

fucking dumb ass-problem was I was listening to the guys down the road who never came off tren and thought they knew what they were talking about-bear in mind this was before you had information boards like MC

bet you can guess what happened to them when they came off cycle-hell the one guy went from 230lbs of all muscle to 160lbs of nothing, I carded him at a club that I bounced at and didn't even recognize him until I saw his ID
I would have concentrated on my weak point alot more and ate better. I too would have taken better care of my joints and injuries. As for cycles, I would have got started a little sooner than I did and I would have done more research. When I started, there was no internet with all of this fantastic information available.
I would have learned to diet better. And would have never taking dbols for such long periods, also would have used adex from the start.
Great group therapy session lol i can relate to a lot and hopefully learned some things

So if i could go back i would research more.
Great group therapy session lol i can relate to a lot and hopefully learned some things

So if i could go back i would research more.

nowdays people have this forum and the likes to help them on their way, its way easier to get it done right now without the years of trial and error.
nowdays people have this forum and the likes to help them on their way, its way easier to get it done right now without the years of trial and error.

Yup..the information that's at your fingertips nowadays is limitless. I just found out about forums 2 years ago. I wish I had found them 20 years ago.
hmmm good post, what would i have done differently…hmmmm…. I think i did things pretty well, waited tip i was 23yrs old, only used 250mg testosterone a week by itself for 10 week cycles, and blew up! I think the one thing I would have done better or would change if i could go back is i would have got into bodybuilding sooner instead of powerlifting comps and powerlfiting training. I really fucked up both my knees, need replacements and not just saying that, been to many doctors and one asked if i was squatting cars for a living,being funny of course but thats how bad my knees are, so i would not have powerlifted at all! I did however enjoy the powerlifting meets and the competition! but at the time i had no idea the toll it was taking on me and now years later my knees are fucked up beyond belief!

So I guess thats it, i would have went straight into bodybuilding and forgone the powerlifting meets and training style
I wish I had been fatter longer. I was like 15% 2 years ago and if I had kept going for another year or two I'd probably be a lean 215 right now instead of lean 205. But now that I'm lean I'm definitely not ever dirty bulking again. Fuck that.
I would have lifted lighter, more controlled(not have damaged joints so much) & would have blasted gear a lot higher & sooner...when I was 23 prepping for My 1st show a pro told Me I only had 3-5yrs to gain most of My muscle(raise My set point) & told Me to do a lot more gear....I should've listened
New to cycling the pro basically said I'll hit My set point or damn close well before 30, he was right....so I should've blasted then
I'm a firm believer now that guys that blast when young & run more moderate/maintenance cycles when older end up much larger long run