If you could have more than one wife would you?


New member
Lets say its legal and you could afford it. I would have like 5-10. Each would have their prescribed duties. It would be great. They would have to all get along though. You would need lots of money to keep them happy and busy. I say 7, one for each night of week.
Lets say its legal and you could afford it. I would have like 5-10. Each would have their prescribed duties. It would be great. They would have to all get along though. You would need lots of money to keep them happy and busy. I say 7, one for each night of week.

you say 7, that's 7 more people to put antifreeze in your stuff
Women are really jealous and competitive over a man and are geared to make a man their own. i only see it working in the backdrop of a crazy religious cult that forces unnatural boundaries. Otherwise they will be fighting and snipping and conniving and spending all the damn money 3 times as fast.

Women are perplexing. They seem to have a pretty good deal yet never satisfied. 5 times as many orgasms,
5x the orgasms
free stuff from most guys
free dinners
free drinks
pump out a kid and drop the job
pump out another kid and no work til 40
more free stuff
your money is hers
drop you and take 1/2 your stuff
find second smuck and take his 1/2