IFBB Professional Bodybuilder Shawn Rhoden. Great Photo


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</figure><section style="box-sizing: content-box; ">[h=2]ABOUT SHAWN RHODEN[/h]

Place of Birth: Jamaica
Leagues: IFBB

Competition Weight: 240 lbs
Off-Season: 260 lbs
Age: 38

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Ever since Shawn Rhoden entered his first contest on a whim—and won— his bodybuilding journey has been a winding journey full of tragedy and triumph.

The Jamaican-born former soccer standout has faced misfortune head-on, including the devastating loss of his father to cancer. Rhoden’s bodybuilding run was left with a gaping six years between the promising future of 2003 and the moment he stepped back on stage in 2009 finally claiming his IFBB pro card with a win at the North American Championships.

In just his second IFBB professional show, he qualified for the 2011 Mr. Olympia, where he nearly cracked the top 10. The next year, he won 4 pro contests and shocked the world by finishing 3rd in only his second Mr. Olympia. Now Rhoden is a prennial contender for the greatest title in the world and a man you can never count out.

man that guy has put on a lot of size since the last time I saw him...I didn't know he was that old either, thought he was in his 20s

guess there is some hope for us old fuckers