igf and carbs

I started drinking carbs during my entire workout. I sip on my homemade Gatorade mix making it last till the workout is over. 60 - 70 grams of carbs followed by 60 grams of ON 100% whey post workout.
From what I have read ( correct me if I'm wrong) it helps to carb up afterwards because it will help you prevent from going hypoglycemic. I also remember reading that it (igf) helped with a person who was diabetic, being that after a hard work out your blood sugar is down. The Igf helped to regulate his blood sugar levels with the carb intake (all after working out). Please correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I remember reading. Hope I explained it clearly. In a hurry and trying to type fast.

Also the pig sperm helped with the break down of the carbs (lol).
I need to read the pig sperm thread, lol. Anyway, you may be right about that. I workout first thing in the morning and need that fuel in my muscles right away.
I need to read the pig sperm thread, lol. Anyway, you may be right about that. I workout first thing in the morning and need that fuel in my muscles right away.

Definitely read it... Thank god presser brought it back. Hilarious shit! It' s unbelievable what some people come up with.
Everybody is different but this is what works best for me while on IGF also it has nothing to do with what time I train. I take it pre workout and only drink h20 while working out because I plan in advance to make sure I have the right amount of carbs in my system so I have no issues. Post workout I think of my IGF pre workout dose like slin. 100% whey protein mixed with flavored oats, 1 hour later lean protein with complex carbs and 0 fat meal, 2 hours later same meal! Its what works for me.
From what I have read ( correct me if I'm wrong) it helps to carb up afterwards because it will help you prevent from going hypoglycemic. I also remember reading that it (igf) helped with a person who was diabetic, being that after a hard work out your blood sugar is down. The Igf helped to regulate his blood sugar levels with the carb intake (all after working out). Please correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I remember reading. Hope I explained it clearly. In a hurry and trying to type fast.

Also the pig sperm helped with the break down of the carbs (lol).

yes and we have a few diabetic guys that use our igf 1 lr3 pretty consistently and love it! I’m always hesitant in giving out IGF1 lr3 advice to guys who are diabetic , so I much rather bump some older threads on this topic for them to read through like this! Hope it helps and run search in this forum on “igf 1 diabetes “