IGF cycle question

Glen Whitestone

New member
So I have started some IGF. I have some averbol 25 as well that is just collecting dust. This is injectable d-bol. I know not to run just d-bol but what would its effects be stacked with IGF? Worth while or a waste?
I've never run d-bol so I can't speak from experience but I've cycled lots of other AAS with IGF and I do believe there is an incredible synergistic response you get from using IGF along with any AAS. Too bad you didn't have some test lying around... ;) now that would be good...
I wouldnt use it. Dbol shut me down faster than anything (even tren) so unless it counts as a "cycle", then no.
I think I read somewhere that d-bol alone will lower you natural test level.

Are you in between cycles??
No, I will score some decca in a few weeks, for the mean time I have started IGF and want to start the d-bol alone then drop it and start the decca.
I get a bad reaction to test for some reason bro. I have tried several different legit products. I show good results but for some reason after a few weeks I start really breaking out on my back, face and neck. Anything else I am okay, don't know why. Last time I dropped the test and I was okay.
i totally understand and personally I use EQ as a base to a lot of my cycles and people give me a hard time about it. get yourself some Proviron (25mg a day) to help with libido and it has some anabolic properties unto itself and it'll be much better
Glen Whitestone said:
I get a bad reaction to test for some reason bro. I have tried several different legit products. I show good results but for some reason after a few weeks I start really breaking out on my back, face and neck. Anything else I am okay, don't know why. Last time I dropped the test and I was okay.

You might want to PM body2see for none test cycle ideas. He has bad sides with test as well so he doesnt like to use it. Most dont have good non test cycle ideas/experience.

the only 99% of us probably wont help much cause we all say to add test :satan:
I'm in that same camp dreww, I only run EQ as the base of all of my cycles, because I'm gyno prone and even looking at a bottle of test makes my nipps tingle. I usually stack it with Winny but I've run Primo and Anavar and for the past 2 years now I always run IGF and it makes a big difference.
I get the same reaction to test, but I have found that it isn't bad with accutane added. Or if I keep the amount of test below a certain amount. Even 250 mg a week makes a difference.

My guess is that if you ran a 12 week cycle, you could add test a few weeks in after your endogenous levels started to drop just to keep you up to where your body normally would be.

Proviron is VERY important if you are not running test.

Primo and var are very gentle, and if you run enough var, you can get some gains.
bump the Doc's reply I forgot to mention running Proviron with it, 25mg a day will work wonders for your willy
Try a Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) dose of 150mg ew with your cycles... This will keep your Test and Estrogen levels in the high normal range so you wont get the neg sides from the test... Your natural level will shut down as normal and the TRT will replace it... This is what I do with all my cycles since I don't like high doses of test either... Also I prefer non aromatizing steroids with my TRT...

Example: TRT+Tren,,, TRT+ Tbol etc....