Igf LR3 and DES cycle


New member
Hey all. I've been running lr3 for two years now and it is a staple in all of my research. I started researhing Ergo peptides about 6 months ago and it has changed my training. Just ran des for the first time and saw good results do now have decided to throw them together. Suggestions on dosage, length, etc!! Thanks in advance
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100mcg of DES pre-workout and 60mcg of LR3 post-workout. Run them for maybe 12 weeks or so and then take a break and start over again.

You can go up or down with the dosages and see if you feel a difference. I have learned these are my sweet spot so that's what I do :)
Nice. Ya that's around the dosages I was thinking. My sweet spot for lr3 was around 120ish. So you run yours or 12 weeks?Do your results diminish at all?
Nice. Ya that's around the dosages I was thinking. My sweet spot for lr3 was around 120ish. So you run yours or 12 weeks?Do your results diminish at all?

Yeah I try to run it as long as I possibly can.

After 12 weeks if the effects are still there I keep going. If the effects start going away and I can afford it I'll up the dosage. If I can't I cycle off.

I usually try to cycle off when I'm not trying to go insane or when I have some time to do my workouts with a good resting period between the sets.
Yeah I try to run it as long as I possibly can.

After 12 weeks if the effects are still there I keep going. If the effects start going away and I can afford it I'll up the dosage. If I can't I cycle off.

I usually try to cycle off when I'm not trying to go insane or when I have some time to do my workouts with a good resting period between the sets.

Do you take DES o LR3, IM? :)
I take both IM. Des supposedly you can take sub q and it is more systematic through the body. I've only researched des very limited but did notice good site growth IM. Fat loss and overall growth better on Lr3. Very excited about the combination. I am researching strictly Ergo peptides and no aas and have been for 4 months with great results
I do both IM also. I would always recommend doing both of those peptides IM.

I don't know how much carbs you respond to but start from 25g I guess. Go up or down from how you feel from there.
I'm curious about this, I going to run 50mcg LR3 pwo. There' somebody that have run it at the same way, and then have changed to 50/100mcg ED? The difference is big?

I'm curious about this, I going to run 50mcg LR3 pwo. There' somebody that have run it at the same way, and then have changed to 50/100mcg ED? The difference is big?


Yes bro we have plenty of guys here who have ran it at that way at yes it's a big difference but you shouldnt need to jump straight to 100mcg I would move it up slowly
Yes bro we have plenty of guys here who have ran it at that way at yes it's a big difference but you shouldnt need to jump straight to 100mcg I would move it up slowly

Thank you buddy! , I will do 50mcg ED :) and the next cycle (about 3/6 months) 100mcg :)

Both cause Hyperplasia?
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Bro I've been on it off and on for over a year now and I'm still only using 80mcg and getting the same pumps as I've always gotten
Bro I've been on it off and on for over a year now and I'm still only using 80mcg and getting the same pumps as I've always gotten

I will try, If with 100mcg I don't see a good increase of results (than 50mcg) I will reduce it. I have a doubt now, what's the difference to take IGF-1 IM (on the muscle worked) or SQ? :o

Thank you in advance!