igf pump mechanism


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
ok, so igf preworkout gives great pumps. but why? im guessing it works like insulin and shuttles more nutrients and blood into worked muscle.
is this correct? and if so, does slin use prewo have similar efftects?
I always assumed it was due to all the carbs being shuttles into the muscles more so and faster just like Insulin, so i would have to agree with you and say yes
I'm using 20mcg/preworkout & get pumps.
I'm sure its because it acts like insulin.

Why don't u try to use slin 5iu pre/workout & see if u get similiar pumps.
I've try it yet but would be interested to know if its better or similiar in terms of pumps.
I'm using 20mcg/preworkout & get pumps.
I'm sure its because it acts like insulin.

Why don't u try to use slin 5iu pre/workout & see if u get similiar pumps.
I've try it yet but would be interested to know if its better or similiar in terms of pumps.

Insulin gives a better pump....but I get more growth from igf....
Still havent used slin, if i did though i would use it post workout for sure as i would be worried about feeling funny preworkout, atleast til i got use to it, but 5i.u isnt much I guess, any reason you prefer it pre opposed to post bro?
im using igf now, 60mcg ed, and geting nice pumps. Ive used slin pre too, and got similar pumps. Other than that i didnt see much from slin. I was doing up to 7ius. It made me feel like i was seriously stoned, for almost the rest of the day. I dont see how these pros take high amounts of that stuff and still function all day. Im a lazy fuck when im on slin, especially if I smoke
Still havent used slin, if i did though i would use it post workout for sure as i would be worried about feeling funny preworkout, atleast til i got use to it, but 5i.u isnt much I guess, any reason you prefer it pre opposed to post bro?

Insulin is kind of a poor mans igf-1...so for the same reasons wr take igf-1 pre...plus it's milos sarcevs old protocol...when wolf and hide were working with him doing those giant set workouts theybwoul use gh/slin pre and again halfway thru combined with large amounts of bcaas, eaas, creatine, glutamine and waximaize in order to turn the workout into an "anabolic" event feeding ur muscles all those nutrients versus the normal "catabolic" event and scurrying to recover after...or so th theory goes

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I understand how it works brutha, i was asking why you take it pre workout as opposed to post w/o when in my opinion is optimum to shuttle everything into the muscles, I guess what i was asking is you do it pre mainly for the pumps? or do you think its better to take your carbs and protien pre w/o with ur slin, it just goes against convential wisdom or atleast what I have always read, then again like i said I never used it,lol,
I understand how it works brutha, i was asking why you take it pre workout as opposed to post w/o when in my opinion is optimum to shuttle everything into the muscles, I guess what i was asking is you do it pre mainly for the pumps? or do you think its better to take your carbs and protien pre w/o with ur slin, it just goes against convential wisdom or atleast what I have always read, then again like i said I never used it,lol,

Didn't mean to insult ur intelligence...it does go against some conventional wisdom....but i also use humulin usually pre workout..so it's active for a good 4 hrs at least and it spikes usually when I'm almost finished about 45 minutes later...

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Didn't mean to insult ur intelligence...it does go against some conventional wisdom....but i also use humulin usually pre workout..so it's active for a good 4 hrs at least and it spikes usually when I'm almost finished about 45 minutes later...

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u didnt insult me brutha, sorry if i came off that way bro! I just always wanted to try insulin and was trying to pick ur brain bro since alot of guys here do it post i was curious how or why you did it this way,
I appreciate ur posts here bro! Been very solid thus far
u didnt insult me brutha, sorry if i came off that way bro! I just always wanted to try insulin and was trying to pick ur brain bro since alot of guys here do it post i was curious how or why you did it this way,
I appreciate ur posts here bro! Been very solid thus far

Same here...wasn't sure how i came off...I just know some times I come off as a prick....

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I'm the same way....but usually i wait till night to smoke

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thats what i would like to do, but since im slow with work, its a lot harder to not roll one up:satan: Idle hands are the devils work!!!!!
u didnt insult me brutha, sorry if i came off that way bro! I just always wanted to try insulin and was trying to pick ur brain bro since alot of guys here do it post i was curious how or why you did it this way,
I appreciate ur posts here bro! Been very solid thus far

I'm right there with you bro getting curious as hell wanting to hit the slin gh igf cycle plus my test and all my orals.I have 400ius of gh I need to start using up4-6ius a day isnt cutting it. I think I'm doing 30 ius a week post workout MWF.