igf results


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
im running a course of MC igf and results have been nice.

im about a month off cycle, lost a few lbs. of water, but have held onto my gains so far. im even holding weight despite reducing calories which is unheard of for me. composition hasnt changed, but just maintaining gains is great.

best thing tho, just one bottle in, 4-5 more to go, and just doubled dose to 50mcg twice daily. time for more magic.
so are u doing one bottle rest then the next and so on or doing all 4-5 bottles in one cycle? and ur starting 100mcgs daily...what were you doing before on your first bottle
im doing them all back to back. at least three or four. started at 50mcg once per day.
just 1cc of sust a week. lowest dose of test in two years or more.
strength still up, maybe lost one rep here or there. but soreness is way up. feel every workout now

yeah the pumps shouldbe feeling pretty good

for me at times that shit is unbearable during shoulder workouts, but gotta love it :flex:
yea I hit shoulders with only half volume now. I was getting those super painful pumps when I was on cycle. Got tired of that fried feeling and my back and shoulders grow off nearly no training anyways.
yea I hit shoulders with only half volume now. I was getting those super painful pumps when I was on cycle. Got tired of that fried feeling and my back and shoulders grow off nearly no training anyways.
You're lucky!! :thumbsup:
i really do love that feeling i get during my workouts, my pump always comes on quicker and harder when using igf
trained legs this morning, prolly one of the best leg pumps ever. i was tired and exhausted but still pumped and full.
cant wait til i crank the AAS back up.
trained legs this morning, prolly one of the best leg pumps ever. i was tired and exhausted but still pumped and full.
cant wait til i crank the AAS back up.

what aas are you gonna CRANK UP ON?
Any recent pics? The only pic I can remember is the one that used to be your avatar and it sounds like you've grown a lot since then.
i had some posted last fall when working with heinz. but i wont keep them up too long cause of my job. dunno whos watching..
i had some posted last fall when working with heinz. but i wont keep them up too long cause of my job. dunno whos watching..

did u post any recent and take them down before i seen em? lol i know u gotta take em down fast but did u have em up yet