IGF_1 -looking 4


New member
I'am looking for some IGF-1, all so I have some questions.

I know it comes in a 1cc bottle
I know I can add 2cc of Benz
Dose anybody know right dose in IU's
not sure about iu's but check out muscle chemistry's store...specifically the Immense Growth Factor. i'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprise.
testboy said:
I'am looking for some IGF-1, all so I have some questions.

I know it comes in a 1cc bottle
I know I can add 2cc of Benz
Dose anybody know right dose in IU's

1cc=1ml wich =1mg of our stuff, this 1cc/ml/mg=1,000mcgs and thats how you take it, most use 33mcgs a day so they get about a months worth out of it
Re: Re: IGF_1 -looking 4

Presser said:
1cc=1ml wich =1mg of our stuff, this 1cc/ml/mg=1,000mcgs and thats how you take it, most use 33mcgs a day so they get about a months worth out of it
big ass bump..i used 33mcgs a day and had some site growth in my delts and looked pumped and even sexier then usual..well at least presser kept tellium me i was sexier...
I used 40 mcgs a day my first time, and got some results, but the last time i took it, I took 60 mcgs a day, and my old shoulder injury is completely healed, and I started to notice a little improvement in some other old injuries. I gained some lean muscle too. MC has the IGF1 that ROCKS!!!!
big bump for MC's IGF

I started with 33 and went up to 40 for a week and then 60 for the last week and probably had the best results at 60