I'm new here. DIET + ISOMETRICS


New member
I am starting back training again so I became a member to surround myself with people with similar ambitions to help me stay focused on my goals.

I am currently 5'8, ~150lbs, ~12% bodyfat , Due to a tight budget and limited space I have an isometric setup I put together and experimented a little bit with. I am going to be training 6 exercises 3x per week with 10 second 100% force isometrics the 6 exercises makeup a full body workout.

sumo deadlift
close grip bench press
bent over rows
shoulder press

I have decided to do this workout 3x per week because although I felt strength gains that are not weight tested but by feel on pullups for example, I noticed increased strength. I feel like I need more frequency cause I would be sitting around wanting to train more and I'm a believer that if your mind can handle it , your nervous system isn't over stressed. This increased frequency hopefully also improves growth due to 10 second durations being similiar to training with 3 rep weight. I have experimented with 30 seconds full force and its too grueling to fight the fatigue for that long and still needs increased frequency. So it would end up being too lengthy of workouts if frequency is increased and hard to stick with , which is why I settled back with 10 second durations but more often. My workouts should last 45-60 mins

I plan on certain weeks replacing a workout by spending $5 and going to the gym for the day , maxing out on all these movements and rep the to keep track of progress and have some numbers progress to help maintain motivation further. I will also follow it up with a normal isotonic workout with exercises that I don't often do.

My highest weight has been 165-170lbs at around 10% bodyfat , so my first goal is to be to get that back , so due to my tight budget I am aiming for 2500 calories and 135g protein , that should be enough to sustain me at 170 and being lower protein keep my resting metabolism lower. This is excluding protein shakes , My staples of my diet are going to be of course a multivitamin , but cheese , white rice , canned salmon. Whatever else gets added in will most likely be fruits and vegetables depending on price.

I thank anybody with the patience to read all of this. I look forward to getting to know the community and read your feedback.
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Welcome to MC.

What's your age and experience with training? I see that you mentioned isometrics, but the exercises you listed are not at all isometric exercises so I'm a little confused about your training routine. If you are looking to gain back to 165-170 lbs, athletes (yes, you would be an athlete) should consume at least 1gm of protein per pound of bodyweight. If you were to consume 150gms of protein per day, that would maintain your current weight. You should be taking in the number of grams of protein of the weight you want to be, i.e., at least 165gms. A more detailed plan of your diet may also be in order as what you posted is very general.
with the exercises you are going to be doing you can do far more exercises than what you have listed with the same equipment. ex curls, stiff legged deads for hamstrings etc.
yes, your excercises are not isometric excercises. Or we misunderstood. Do you have weights? Dont see how
else you would do these excercises. (bench, squats, rows, press) Clearify and we can be more help. Good to
see your at it again. Welcome
I built a 2x4 cage with dual pins on each side so all of my lifts are pushing/pulling against the pins with 100% possible force. I don't have any weights anymore so for 70 bucks I have unmovable object resistance. Every exercise that I am doing is against the pins even pullups with my legs/hips cradling the bar. Which is why I consider all the movements I am doing as isometrics because theres no movement.

I have gotten out of isolation movements and do more compound lifts now , I always got good results with isolation but until I start putting on some mass again I don't see a reason to spend extra time and effort on single muscles when I can put more energy and effort into a compound movement or just up my frequency.

I was going based on this calculator MuscleTech - Industry leading sports nutrition brand providing high-quality supplements to people looking to build their best possible body. but I am still drinking protein shakes through the day to up my protein intake above the amount I listed.

Im 23 I got into training during school and have fallen off the wagon since , some of my best lifts are

bench 280lbs
deadlift 465lbs
squat 310lbs
dumbbell curl 90lbs
dumbell preacher curl 80lbs
weighted dips 180lbs

each set is a different pin position on my cage , so I work 1 set of 10 second maximal force contractions for each joint angle usually being 8-10 sets per exercise.
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I am sorry that I have not been very detailed and to the point with my posts , I spent a while typing alot and figured it was way too long so I started over. I'm trying to not crowd my posts too much.
I introduced myself as new because I never understood what the problem was before , So I was trying to make a fresh start anonymously. Thank you for the welcome.

ok cool! I will delete all the BS above, so no other members read it and think anything shady, so your good to go daddio!
Thank you boss

I used to have about 495lb of weight including the barbell and a squat cage , but when my roommate had rent issues it led me to having to downsize to an 8x8 room and with no way to use the barbell without leaving my equipment outside to get rained on and stole. I sold it for 2x100 adjustable dumbells that go up to 140 as a single (AND MONEY TO SPARE). I just felt like I was maintaining what I had with strictly dumbbell training no matter how much volume I did what kind of rep scheme I went with any progress I made was measly so I still go the dumbbells , but decided to made another cage but with 2x4 and set it up for isometrics to take advantage of the lack of weights and ability to store them , also with a 5foot bar I can fit it between the wall and my bed and workout still.

So this is just a little background as to why I am doing isometrics , because I wish I could still train in the cage with barbell movement but I'm not really able to so , I am trying the next best thing and so far I like it , just wondering if anybody has any experience with long term isometric use?
I don't think you'll find anyone doing isometrics here, honestly. The best way to build muscle is isokinetically, i.e., full range of motion. Has your situation changed much at all since three years ago? I know you may not like it, but I would seriously suggest you get a gym membership and not worry about the home gym for now. The monthly due is not that bad.

Freedom Fitness or Rockingham Fitness Center ($27/mth) in Rockingham are not too far from you, and they look to have all the weights and machines you would need.

Freedom Fitness Gym | Rockingham, NC
Rockingham Fitness Center

Is 165-170 as far as you want to go? I think you have the potential to go further, up to 190 which I think would look really good for you, if you'll take the initiative to work for it. Hopefully you aren't in such a limited situation as you were before.
I want to get up higher but short term goal is around 175

freedom fitness has a yearly addendum fee and a signup fee that makes the initial sign up up around 80 bucks 44 something sign up and 35 for direct deposit. Then a certain year of the month depending when you sign up is another 44 something. I was training their a while back and loved it was 24/7 with fingerprint access , its basically the only 24hour gym around. But the payments got to be too much with my budget.

Rockingham fitness's hours never really workout for me although membership price is less but I would often miss workout days cause of scheduling. On days that I work the gym is closed when I wake up and closed when I get home due to 1.5 hour commute , doesnt leave much time for sleeping and eating unless I get 4-6 hours max.

So I traded off sleep and recovery to train at home because I cant function without sleep I get seriously depressed. It wasn't an issue when I had my cage and room to use it , but now im just stuck in situation training only with dumbells and isometrics , which I know arent optimal for growth mainly just strength...

just hoping there are people who can give me hope in way im forced to train that with improved frequency decent size will still be achieved.
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Eventually I hope to get back in the gym but until then I'm just trying to make due. This is me at 155 I am wanting to reach 190-200 like you said but 175 is my first goal. I know I can get to 175 just takes time but 190-200 feels almost unreachable. So one goal at a time.
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Do you work in Charlotte or Greensboro? That's a long time to commute. I feel for you there, bro, that's not fun. You might consider working out in a gym there before coming home. You have access to 24 hr Fitness and Golds in Greensboro, and Anytime Fitness and Golds in Charlotte. These gyms all should do month to month, and they aren't very much. A few years ago, I used to make my work schedule so that I could work out at lunch time and eat afterwards. Have to try all your options, just sayin..

Isometrics won't give you size/mass so you'd be best off trying to figure out how to get full workouts. I can see from your picture that you have the frame to build into. (You've done well considering.) Work the training and diet right, and you should be able to reach 190 easily. Seems like a big number, I know, but it's more attainable than you think. 175 will be there before you know it—IF you get the right workouts and the diet down.
Eventually I hope to get back in the gym but until then I'm just trying to make due. This is me at 155 I am wanting to reach 190-200 like you said but 175 is my first goal. I know I can get to 175 just takes time but 190-200 feels almost unreachable. So one goal at a time.
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you look good bro, you have a very good base to start with! I could honestly see you getting jacked if you really put ur mind to it, your starting with a nice lean frame which is the way to go!
working out close to where I work might be an option , I will look into that in the Monroe area.

I think your progress will be like night and day going to a gym and doing full range with weights. Eat good and
you should be very happy with your results. Keep us posted.
Thanks for the encouragement everybody. I've been busy lately trying to sell my 2nd car and noticed when I went out to start it that the battery was dead , I exchanged it , tested my parasitic loss and found out I have 2 fuses draining power so I've been trying to pin point the problem. So I haven't had time to do anything other than work and come home for the most part besides about 10 minutes workouts here and there.
Its been a while since I've checked in, lower back injury from a few years back has been plaging me for a few days after I got my car somewhat sorted out, still haven't fixed the issue although due to the circumstances it has to be a door switch issue where partial current flows when the switch is closed but not enough to light the bulb. Because everything works as normal , the bulbs light and goes out when their suppose to but there a drain and taking the bulb out stops the drain. So its not a short and bulbs work like they are suppose to so it has to be a switch.

When my back finishes getting better so I can bend down without feeling it its making it worse I'll be able to sort it out, until then its work and bed rest so I can stop prolonging the recovery. I did however take a trip to local gym paid 5 bucks on a day I got off early just to see where I am at , due to my pain I focused on basically a bench workout and at 145-150lbs I lifted a little more than my best lift when I was at 165 and training consistently for a while.

So once this is all taken care of and I stop by the gym near where I work and sign up I am going to be doing a combination of isometrics with normal lifting I can't stop doing these when I have gotten my back to my old level.
I am leaving for marine boot camp , march 23rd 2014. Just figured I would check in with an update since it has been a while and I have been busy.
Off to the Marines? We wish you good luck, bro. Stay around until then. Hoorah!