Im turning into a contest prep guy, aahhh!


MuscleChemistry member
Well, as of now, I will be prepping 8 people for shows next year! Looks like (if I do well with them), I may have stumpeld on a side job.
Well purely based on you display of knopwledge and your picture i'd certainly contract you in 2012 for my next show.

Fancy preping someone in a different country if this all works out for ya :)
thats awsome nuk nuk! You can make some serious side cheese doing this
well I have this next year to prove myself. I am not charging any of them, due to fairness and I feel I need to prove myself. But if all goes well, then I will charge.
you could always start your own forum here for prep, and have private forums for clients, just a thought bro
you could always start your own forum here for prep, and have private forums for clients, just a thought bro

give it some thought bro, a one on one consultation forum for show prep would be a great service to offfer our members as well as help you out possibly
Congrats, if any of them do well as far as placing, you're golden. But then again if they just end up looking like they belong, you're probably still golden. I'd venture a guess to say that you've found a calling