Improvised Workout


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I've been studying for my department's upcoming promotional exam and haven't had a chance to get to the gym. The other day I pulled out a deck of cards and decided to have at it.

When I was in the Army I would take a deck of cards and have each one of my soldiers flip a card and do that number of pushups. Face cards are 10 and they would have to do diamond pushups for a Diamond. This would go on until there was one man standing (so to speak). Each person would reach there own individual "muscle failure" while being competitive.

It took me 40 mins to go through the deck by myself and my chest is still screaming. It worked out to be 340 push-ups.
that's a common "jail" workout (the deck of cards).....try doing it with dips (turn the backs of two chairs inward for chest or bench dips for triceps)
I've been studying for my department's upcoming promotional exam and haven't had a chance to get to the gym. The other day I pulled out a deck of cards and decided to have at it.

When I was in the Army I would take a deck of cards and have each one of my soldiers flip a card and do that number of pushups. Face cards are 10 and they would have to do diamond pushups for a Diamond. This would go on until there was one man standing (so to speak). Each person would reach there own individual "muscle failure" while being competitive.

It took me 40 mins to go through the deck by myself and my chest is still screaming. It worked out to be 340 push-ups.

340 pushups, nice bro, never even heard of this before to be honest