Incline DB press update


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Finally Put the 100s up on incline DB press again today, im closing in on my goal to get back to where I was preinjury
and I almost f-ed my right arm bc I had a wrist wrap(boxing one) on my left hand and I adjusted it while on the smith machine for flat bench, and my left hand slipped due to wrap, and all the weight went to my right arm for a second = 0 not cool, and I did it 2 times with 275 on the bar
I hate any barbell bench much pressure on my shoulders. Dumbbells at least you can cock to a more natural angle.
yea me too guys DB incline is my favorite chest exercise, its weird tho bc when I focus alot on db's my barbell weights go way down even if im really strong on the db's and vica versa
love dumb bells, whole diffrent animal than barbells........specially when your doing heavy shoulders. throwing up 120's to shoulder press is a motherf***er....thats been my best shoulder press for 6 reps.
love dumb bells, whole diffrent animal than barbells........specially when your doing heavy shoulders. throwing up 120's to shoulder press is a motherf***er....thats been my best shoulder press for 6 reps.

Damn, a couple years back I did the 95's on the 90 degree seat and my lower back was arching like a bitch and I felt like I was compressing every disk down the line lol
Great work, Metal. I've never done the 100's on any exercise. Maybe by year end I will be able to do them on flat bench. I did 85's the other day without much shoulder pain.
Great work, Metal. I've never done the 100's on any exercise. Maybe by year end I will be able to do them on flat bench. I did 85's the other day without much shoulder pain.

Thanks man I prefer to go heavier on incline and lighter on flat, odd yes, but better for shoulders that way
yea me too guys DB incline is my favorite chest exercise, its weird tho bc when I focus alot on db's my barbell weights go way down even if im really strong on the db's and vica versa

Mine is the opposite, if I go away from barbell and do db, then barbell will be stronger when I go back
Mine is the opposite, if I go away from barbell and do db, then barbell will be stronger when I go back

hmm im just weird I guess lol I wish that would happen to me, bc when I stick to one the other goes way down