
Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
Many users of anabolic steroids – ranging from those using moderate doses of Testosterone for Hormone Replacement Therapy, athletes hoping to gain a competitive edge, professional bodybuilders hoping to gain muscle, and the everyday exercise enthusiast hoping to look good on the beach – are all very aware of the potential for these drugs to induce severe side effects such as Hypogonadism (reduced testicular function), Gynecomastia (breast tissue growth in males), and HyperCholesterolemia (High Cholesterol).

Several types of drugs are used to prevent some of these issues – Nolvadex, to prevent breast growth, Statin drugs to address cholesterol issues, and the use of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to increase testicular production of Testosterone. These drugs still fall short of completely eliminating the risk of using excessive amounts of hormones for extended periods of time, so users attempt to limit the use, both in dosage and in cycle length, in order to avoid these short comings. Even with all of this preparation, it is absolutely crucial for anyone using steroids to consider one very important, unavoidable side effect of anabolic use, and one that is silent, only detectable during blood tests, and can cause severe physical health problems, including heart attack, stroke and even death.

Anabolic steroids increase red blood cells, which leads to an increase in the amount of oxygen that can be delivered to muscle. This adds a certain athletic advantage. If left unchecked, however, Hematocrit levels (the name for the test used to determine the amount of red blood cells present in blood plasma) can reach dangerous levels, causing elevated blood pressure, and increasing blood thickness, which can lead to disruption of blood flow in major arteries and vessels, leading to heart attack and stroke.

One steroid, known as Equipoise, or Boldenone Undecylenate, has gained a particular reputation for increasing Hematocrit much more than other steroids. While this is true to a certain extent, it is clearly established that all androgenic/anabolic hormones increase RBC( red blood cell count). Even the “safer” steroids such as Anavar have a strong proclivity towards raising Hematocrit.

In order to monitor one’s health, a regular blood work panel must be done at least once every quarter year. In addition to hormone levels, cholesterol, glucose tolerance and blood pressure, one must also measure Hematocrit to ensure that levels have not reached a dangerously excessive amount. In adult males, a normal range for Hematocrit will be between 42% to 54%. Anything above 54% is an indicator of potential cardiovascular and circulation damage. In women, although anabolic steroids will always be ill-advised for this part of the human population, the numbers are even lower – 38% to 46%.
So what steps should a user take when they discover they have high hematocrit? First and foremost you should be working closely with your doctor to monitor these numbers and he or she will have your next step planned should you find these numbers climbing above the safe range. For those users who still continue to neglect to work with a physician while monitoring their hormones, it is essential to stop the use of the hormones immediately. If one is permanently on hormones, as in the case of HRT, it may be necessary to lower the dosage to no more than 100mg per week of a long estered hormone such as Testosterone Cypionate. If Hematocrit is reaching above 59%, it will be necessary to undergo phlebotomy treatments, where excess blood is drained, which allows Hematocrit levels to return to normal. When levels reach unsafe numbers, most blood donation centers will refuse to allow users to donate. Whatever the case may be, high Hematocrit levels are an issue that must be addressed as soon as possible, by eliminating the offending agent, and finding a way to quickly reduce blood volume.

A few very important things to keep in mind while maintaining a healthy Hematocrit level. Maintaining hydration is essential. A dehydrated athlete will quickly increase the thickness of the blood, and the percentage will go up considerably. Always maintain proper hydration. If you exercise frequently, make sure you consume even more water than is normally recommended for average individuals. Naringin, a component of grapefruit, has been shown in studies to reduce excessive hematocrit, while at the same time having no effect on those with healthy Hematocrit levels. The only drawback to this option is that Naringin inhibits a class of enzymes in the liver known as CYP450. This can cause very high levels of certain medications that are normally broken down in the liver by this enzyme. While the idea might seem appealing, to increase levels of a hormone or fat burning drug, for instance, the truth is there are great consequences to inhibiting this enzyme and can cause physical harm. Of course, the last and final way to ensure you are maintaining proper Hematocrit levels is to abstain from using anabolic steroids. If, however, you decide to use these substances please understand that the greatest risk comes in higher dosages, used for extended periods of time. Many modern users of anabolic steroids have come to believe they are exempt from risk factors to their health by continuing to use high doses of androgens without any intended break at any point. They falsely assume that they have all of their bases covered by utilizing ancillary drugs to control other side effects. Unfortunately this is not the case, and certainly one of the biggest concerns to your health is elevated Hematocrit.
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My phlebotomy order is now as needed. Was every 3 weeks going tomorrow went 2 weeks hemo was 18.4. Hope it's in range this time. Started Eq but every week if needed will bring it down.

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Today did again!
Will be back in a week or two. Running eq.
Hadn't went since June 2 and last time was 3 weeks ago.
So I will definitely wanna bring down to around 14 and keep under 16 5

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What is a person to do that cannot donate blood due to no facilities to donate too?
I go to blood bank I have a Dr order I am not able to "Donate" due to antibodies in my Blood!
Search for blood drive or blood bank's I drive 40 minutes to mine

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I make sure to donate blood every three months, in fact, just went today to donate. I've been on test enanthate for quite some time - probably over a year @ 500mg/week broken down to 250mg (1ml) twice a week and now taking test Propionate as basic TRT @ 240 a week (taking EOD injections) and was quite surprised that my haematocrit has seemed to stay normal - today it was 5.9g/DL which the lady in the donation center said was perfectly normal. I'm 51yo. It is a worry sometimes as, like others taking testosterone, I get bouts of breathlessness, feels sort of like you can't get a good enough breath in to fill your lungs, hard to explain but anyone who's ever had it can also tell you that its not a good feeling. From what i've heard, its pretty common with people taking testosterone.

Anyway, stay healthy guys and the very best to everyone :)
Every 4 months is best, any more and you could possibly drop iron stores too low. Individuals that require monthly donation MUST watch ferritin and tibc.

Dr B
Every 4 months is best, any more and you could possibly drop iron stores too low. Individuals that require monthly donation MUST watch ferritin and tibc.

Dr B
I posted thread blood donation/Phlebotomy
Check it out please Dr. It's my experience.
Deca keeps my iron stores good and primo does too anavar and a few others every 6 months I do test for ferritin and tibc they used one or other. Total iron binding capacity not as often.
I Will bump thread

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Member dpile was looking for alternative treatments for high RBC outside the usual donating blood remedy.

so grapefruit is all I can see in this thread and of course hydration
Once its height and say you stop the drugs will not go down on it's own or is it there to stay until you remove it?
Once its height and say you stop the drugs will not go down on it's own or is it there to stay until you remove it?

Thats a great question ! Regardless of ceasing steroids, It likely won’t go away until you get rid of it I would GUESS ,
I did 2 Theraputic phlebotomy's so far in past 4 weeks need 1,more tomorrow or Monday...
Will hit gym in morning and go after.

For me DHB caused same as EQ does. I get high hemo but not as bad with higher prop over higher long ester.

And I add in trest ace to keep test dose lower and i don't get it.

Another thing that works for me is Novathyral t3/t4 mix 20 to 100. I take these and hemo stays in range no kidding I only gotta go to drain every 4 months with Novathyral!!! Happens everytime and I run for 5-6 months at time but with hgh too...

Not saying to do what helps me but it helps me!!!

Also herb called wormwood and black walnut hulls and clove. Combo available. This also helps keep lower, helped me before 2x, and flushes out intestines of... all kinds of free loaders!!

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Every 4 months is best, any more and you could possibly drop iron stores too low. Individuals that require monthly donation MUST watch ferritin and tibc.

Dr B

Very true. I get blood work pretty much every 4-6 months and I did notice my iron was gradually going down. I skipped one donation and sure enough my iron went back up. I believe there was a study in the UK that backed this up.

Member dpile was looking for alternative treatments for high RBC outside the usual donating blood remedy.

so grapefruit is all I can see in this thread and of course hydration

Yup. Before I started donating I was able to bring my crit down from 51-53 to 47-48. I was simply drinking 6 ounces of grapefruit juice everyday.
Very true. I get blood work pretty much every 4-6 months and I did notice my iron was gradually going down. I skipped one donation and sure enough my iron went back up. I believe there was a study in the UK that backed this up.

Yup. Before I started donating I was able to bring my crit down from 51-53 to 47-48. I was simply drinking 6 ounces of grapefruit juice everyday.
My iron stores are tested and required every 6 donations I think..
I test iron stores 2x year let me pull some labs!!!
To be honest when iron stores on low side I feel fine and don't have to keep donating.
I got on iron and in 4 weeks back to blood bank every 3 weeks....

No more iron for me when stores down I don't have to do this constant and feel fine.
And extra gear I use fixes it all.

There, is something common with thyroid and my secondary polycythemia condition, because when I use Novothyral 20mcg t3 and 100mcg I don't have to do phlebotomy but 4 to 6 months.... Hgh alone helps too but not as much as combo with Novothyral for me..

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Some labs showing iron test get different ones besides this one. My Dr knows what he is doing completely I never had to tell him 1 thing. These labs were after contest last year. Labs took a hit but came out 1st place. I stopped all gear June 25 and couldn't come of t3/t4 till after July 1 because fit test at New jobs and potinual of affecting BP and heart rate. All vitals under strenuous workload were perfect!!
Dr tested t4 and TSH so I had to get off t3/t4 but that time in recovery affect lipids and fasting glucose being low on thyroid so lipid profile and glucuse were flawed by not being recovered and labs too close to contest end date.
But just showing my iron tested and result.
Only did phlebotomy every 4 months but used HGH and Novothyral from 9-17 to 12-1-17 break from then to 2-18 then from 2-18 Hgh and Novothyral use till 7-1-18. Stayed on hgh since no Novothyral been going to blood bank often. 2x last 4 weeks and need to go asap again missed yesterday will go Monday do phlebotomy and should finally be around 14-15 hemo. DHB got me too since black Friday...

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Forms needed to get Theraputic Phlebotomy on TRT
Here are old photo images I have. My current or as needed because instead of chasing the tail of whatever..., I go to go 3x in 4 weeks to knock down Hemo that gets over 18 especially 19 or 20. Yes my hemo has been that high but reason is I neglected to keep up.
I have to knock it down to 13-14 hemo or else I Gotta go constant at every 3-5 weeks. If I knock it down with as needed order as said I am then good for 4 months alot of times....

One form I have is because my blood is thrown away as I don't meet criteria as donor due to hep c antibody I have but cleared 9 years ago. No active virus never had one. My body stump that crap on its own, happens with 11% of hep c exposed people. Am routinely tested. My wife meets criteria and donates because second part of if u live with is it they been treated and cleared over 1 year time I think is how it is asked...

Forms below names on form are (BD-14-B) and (BD-14-A). This is available thru Red Cross and United on TRT prescribed patients. I had choice at either. But I cannot do double red blood because it's more costly for them being my blood is tossed out and not eligible for use. At United a charge of 40$ used to be cost of double red blood in my case that was tossed!!! At Red Cross only whole blood with my criteria allowed ..

So telling u guys what your Dr needs to do and Red Cross will shut u down with out iron test done after every 6 I think in year. So Dr just gotta check iron stores.
My records show i have drained over 40 pints or 5 gals of blood since 2013, I had to take iron 1 or 2 times Fergon 2x a day empty stomach. I don't take anymore because when iron gets low end of range or less I don't have to drain blood from high hemo until it goes up. I feel fine! But donating or draining too much has made me lose gains more than once.
Before I had this condition I was same height 5'8" and 222lbs around 7-9% body fat and 232 at 12% or so.... now since secondary polycythemia caught up with my I am 5'8" and 192-208 at body fat of 5-10%.
So it's affected my size in big way, but I am happy for my health and no longer run super high gear anymore.

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What is a person to do that cannot donate blood due to no facilities to donate too?

online type in red cross. it will have a box for zip code to type in. it should give you a few places and times. although as old as this is, you may have already found that out.