Injectable Prohormones?


New member
Anyone think they could be better than normal gear? This is explains of what I can get:
All listed below are in 50ml multi-use vials.
**Methyl-1 Test 10mg/ml oral solution 35$ **
Methyl-5AA 10mg/ml oral solution 25$
5AA cypionate 200mg/ml in a pain free solution. 70$
4-AD cypionate 300mg/ml in a pain free solution. 85$
4-AD propionate 150mg/ml in a pain free solution 75$
Pro-Sust (blend of 4ad prop 100mg / cyp 300mg) 400mg/ml 100$
1 Test cypionate 200mg/ml in a pain free solution.110$

I liked the Pro-Sust but I am not sure if it is worth trying. Anyone?


I know youv'e posted this on other boards and I guess your still undecided.I would like to say the following: First off the main reason why those compounds are BETTER than real anabolics is that they are LEGAL and readily available. Two: The methyl 1test and the 1test cyp are steroids which are comparable to tren as far as gains are concerned (tren minus the strength gain some say). Three: the 5aa and the 4ad I don't know much about but I dont' think you would be dissapointed. The most powerful legal stack right now would be a m1t oral with a 4ad transdermal. One supplier is currently offering m1t tabs for 10 dollars for a bottle of sixty.(5mg each) You cant go wrong. Good luck
I have used injectable 4AD cyp while on tren to keep libido up, hey it was handy. :)

The 4AD cyp definitely did it's job, but it bloated me pretty bad, although nothing a little liquid nolva couldn't handle.

I have plenty of tren but plan on experimenting in a couple of weeks with some oral methyl-1-test and 4ad cyp; I'm gonna save my test prop for my tren later on.
You might want to go to
They have a forum section devoted strictly to pro-hormones that will help with your education of them.
Methyl-1 Test 10mg/ml oral solution 35$ -worth it , its a steroid .
Methyl-5AA 10mg/ml oral solution 25$- converts to mestanalone .
5AA cypionate 200mg/ml in a pain free solution. 70$-converts to masteron .
4-AD cypionate 300mg/ml in a pain free solution. 85$-4-ad has its own benefits without conversion to test , so good to go .
4-AD propionate 150mg/ml in a pain free solution 75$-same as above besides the ester .
Pro-Sust (blend of 4ad prop 100mg / cyp 300mg) 400mg/ml 100$-same again .
1 Test cypionate 200mg/ml in a pain free solution.110$

so u see , u can have a pretty decent 4-ad , methyl 1 test , methyl 5aa and 5aa cyp combo going for u without thinking of illegal things bro . i'm actually going to be trying out methyl 5aa , 5aa cyp pretty soon myself once i get well from the flu i have right now .
I tried some 4AD Cyp once when I couldn't get any test. I used it mainly for libido issues, at the time I was taking tren.

It worked, but bloated me bad as well. I had SERIOUS moon face. Never again. If I can't get some test, I would just wait.
body2see said:
Sorry, I'd have to disagree...Prohormones are unstable chemical imitations with unknown conversion potentials and no long term studies....I'd argue you'd be safer with something with proven (like test cyp., human stanozolol, with valid medical indications...proven effectiveness and side effect/contraindications and with FDA approval. My $2$ centz.
Yes that is true about prohormones but some of those compounds are the real deal that aren't listed as illegal substances, so the can be sold legally (until the ban).Prohormones do convert, and are actually precursors,have target hormones and act like other substances - that would be like your andros,the NORs,the ADs,ect. but in the case of the methyls they are real as real can get(maybe not as strong) in an oral, just like illegal orals.
You are correct though in that these substances are not watched out for by the FDA, but neither is any UG lab products.

methyl examples

whinny - 17 alpha-methyl-5alpha- androstano [3,2-c]pyrazol-17 beta-ol

Anavar - 5 alpha-androstan-2-oxa-17 alpha-methyl-17 beta-ol-3-one

M1t - 17alpha methyl-17beta-hydroxy-androst-1-ene-3-one
I'm familiar with the products you posted, and have used almost all of them. The guy who sells them is a good person. They are high quality oils and are truly pain free. I prefer my methylated compounds in tab form though. I've used the 4ad cyp with the 1test cyp and with the 5aa cyp, though not at the same time. If not, I prefer 4ad cyp with 1test cyp. Throw an oral in to kick it off and you'll like the gains. These compounds are far weaker than real gear my friend, but they have their place. You could also just buy the vials, filters, syringes and liquids and make your own. Then you could have exactly what you wanted.