Injection Site Issues


New member
I've been injecting regularly now for quite some time. The last 2 times I've injected, i get some drops of dark colored blood when I aspirate the pin. Using a 22 gauge 1 1/2" IM to the glute. Anyone know whats going on. Tired of re-sticks.

Could just be nicking a vein on the way in. What I've always done in that case is to back the pin out (not all the way out) and go to the left or right ever so slightly to get it somewhere else.
Could just be nicking a vein on the way in. What I've always done in that case is to back the pin out (not all the way out) and go to the left or right ever so slightly to get it somewhere else.

Thanks for the advice. Will try it next time. Get a little shakey moving pin around.
Thanks for the advice. Will try it next time. Get a little shakey moving pin around.

I used to, you get over it. Trust me you'll be glad you did, I've pinned in a vein and felt like hell for a while. Now I'll deal with anything to not feel that way again
I've been injecting regularly now for quite some time. The last 2 times I've injected, i get some drops of dark colored blood when I aspirate the pin. Using a 22 gauge 1 1/2" IM to the glute. Anyone know whats going on. Tired of re-sticks.


yeah a little blood never hurt anyone lol. i haven't aspirated in years lol
yeah a little blood never hurt anyone lol. i haven't aspirated in years lol

I pinned for the first time in 3+ years Friday afternoon. Running a blend of test e 250/tren e 150, 1 cc a week and 40mg of oral dbol a day.. HOLY SHIT BALLS! my cheek has a serious baseball, days later...running a fever too...

I dont remember this happening before, what gives? Opinions?
Yeah I can't even remember aspirating, especially in the glute. If you're getting blood in the syringe that's not good bro. I bleed a lot when I pin in my glutes so I went to a smaller 25g instead of 23g and it made a huge difference. 22g isn't bad but try a smaller syringe.