I have do disagree !
This is my experience,
After using steroids for 3 years with one short and bad break in between. Then coming off with levels lower than a woman's, and months and moths went by and my physic stayed the same. Sure my food was on point, but with those low levels and for soo long time. Insulin saved my body hands down.
I strongly recommend it for PCT or even when your off and want to do a cycle and try to add mass. Its the most anabolic hormone in the world, even if you off roids you will get the benefit of getting a higher nutrition uptake.
Off cycle I believe that PWO is the best way to go, get the nutrients fast in the blood while training.
Sure its better ON cycle, but it definitely worth running of cycle to. From now on I will always use slin in my pct.
Would have been fun to see how much bigger I would bee now 7 months later if my test levels where normal after my pct.
I did 2 pct with 6 weeks apart and i still got lower levels than a woman...