Introducing myself:


New member
Hi guys (and any gals). I'm assuming that this is the main board, because it has the most posts.

Anyways, I'm a recreational bodybuilder/powerlifter. I had a drug/alcohol problem, so I checked into rehab for a while. I'm clean and sober now. But I Haven't worked out/cycled in about 12 months. That's right, I took a whole year off so I could drink, smoke, snort etc. my pain away. I got divorced and depressed and screwed up for the better part of a year.

I was 5'9" 232lbs 10%bf.

Now I'm 200lbs 18%bf.

Oh well, I made my bed and now it's time to lay in it. I plan on working out for two months naturally first. Then slowly getting back into a cycle. But at much lower doses. I am sure I can make great gains on little amounts since it has been a year since my last shot.

My love life is nonexistent. My ego is shot to hell. Looking in the mirror is disgusting. But HEY! I got a weight room to go to. I got hope. I got desire like never before.......

welcome reborn. sounds like its time to say ftw and just hit those weights!!
muscle memory is a great thing bro...I recently had some setbacks and never lost weight just gained fat and starting over.

A few good months in the gym and i will be bigger than ever baring injury.
I would go 6 months before I started again. I took 2 months off no lifting and put on solid muscle natural for 3 when I came back.
Hey bud,

Welcome to MC and welcome back to the game! I will tell you that nothing helps my ego more or my self-respect then hitting those wieghts and watching the progress of my body develope...glad to hear that you're back!
Wecome to MC. Lots of very knowledgeable bros here to help you get back into it. Good name choice btw.

You know, whenever things suck in life, it's always encouraging to look and feel good. How can you get depressed when you are busting your ass in the gym to meet goals and you got people in envy? Bodybuilding truly is a great lifestyle, glad to hear you're back!
yea --thats great bro--welcome back--once you start feeling pumped it'll work great for you---working out is a great way to spend time on a positive track--idle time sucks--stinking thinking adds to drinking--keep it up--nothing compares to the nightmare an addict lives thru--remember the pain--stay strong--eat and lift big man-your not alone