Is Clen Anabolic for Building Muscle? Is Clenbuterol a steroid?


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[h=2]Does Clenbuterol have Anabolic Properties for Muscle Gain?[/h]

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Is Clenbuterol an anabolic steroid that can help you build muscle? Clen is the regular name for Clenbuterol Hydrochloride. Although it was originally made to treat asthma, it was also discovered that the substance has fat-burning properties that surpass Ephedrine. The fat-burning properties of this drug makes it a well sought after product. Clenbuterol works wonders in substantially accelerating your metabolism and by stimulating the Beta-2 receptors, making the body convert fat into energy at an accelerated rate. It is also claimed that it also suppresses the appetite in some users.
Many people boast about Clenbuterol being an anabolic agent. This would mean that it can be used to help bulk up and build muscle among bodybuilders. This article will discuss whether Clenbuterol is as anabolic as people claim. Bodybuilders and most athletes primarily use Clenbuterol as a performance enhancing drug. It is often utilized as a cutting agent because of its ability to increase the body’s fat burning mechanism.
[h=2]Anabolic Effects of Clenbuterol[/h]The anabolic nature of Clenbuterol is still not proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Animal research (like that done on cows) revealed an anabolic effect, but there are not any human studies out there to reveal this effect in humans. In order to accurately prove the anabolic nature of Clenbuterol, just take a look at how it works.

Because Clenbuterol stimulates the beta receptors in the human body, it causes an increase in blood pressure and body temperature. Although Clenbuterol is primarily a beta-2 agonist —which makes it great for weight loss— the fat loss effect is a lot different in humans than it is in animals because humans don’t have as many beta-2 receptors as animals do. So the anabolic effect seen in animals will most likely not be found in humans (or at least it won’t be found on the same level as it is in animals).
[h=2]Mild Anabolic Properties[/h]As far as its impact on the human body is concerned, we believe Clenbuterol has a mild anabolic effect on humans. Therefore, in order to use the substance as an anabolic agent, one would have to consume unsafe doses of the compound. Despite it having only a minor anabolic effect in humans, Clenbuterol is still highly recommended for bodybuilders who desire to be cut and have fat loss because the slight anabolic nature will maintain the increased muscle mass obtained while the bodybuilder was trying to bulk up his body.
You can use it for 3 weeks (or 7-8 weeks when taken with Ketotifen). This combination—known as the Superclen—is done on an 8 week on/3 week off cycle, which is much better than the 3 week on/3 week off cycle if you want to bulk up.
[h=2]Clen Effects and Benefits[/h]Clenbuterol stimulates the Beta- 2 receptors in the body, which accelerates the metabolism. An accelerated metabolism also raises your body temperature because of more cellular heat generated by the mitochondria. These accelerations work together to give you a full circle effect in converting stored body-fat into usable energy. Adding a supplement with Clen intensifies its fat burning effect. These two qualities makes this compound a very beneficial addition to a person’s physical fitness regimen. Another added bonus is the mild anabolic nature of Clen, which makes it an even more potent fat-burner and promoter of fat-free tissue. It is sometimes used as an anti-catabolic supplement after a steroid cycle to protect muscle mass from deterioration due to a nutrient repartition effect.
[h=2]Clenbuterol Safety and Dangers[/h]As with all medications, Clenbuterol is not perfect; it does have some side effects. The Beta-2 stimulating effect can make some people feel jumpy and have problems falling asleep. Some people may briefly experience this feeling for a few days. Some people may experience muscle cramps, which can easily go away if you increase your water intake.
Muscle cramps and jitters are irritating but minor side effects. Cardiac hypertrophy can also occur in some people who take Clen in ways not recommended. Therefore, if you use Clenbuterol as recommended, you shouldn’t see any major side effects. At the most, you may experience insomnia and jitters for a few days. While Clen may not be very anabolic itself, you can stack it with other drugs that do offer these benefits for bodybuilding and muscle gains.
