is it possible to still get pure ephedrine?!?!?


New member
I cant find a legit source anywhere I know canada sells the 8mg tabs but they wont ship to the US can anybody help me out I need a legit source for ephedrine in a bad way! thanks guys
Email them maybe thay can do some thing on a big order but they have quality products and you wont get beat if it is garbage or you get fucked you dident save anything mc shop is 100% gtg presser is a stand up gye
They are a bit expensive tho i think 25 pills 12mg a piece for like 25 bucks im looking for more bulk
Brutha I hate to word it this way but you get what you pay for. I have the same issue as you, many of us do. We (members of MuscleChemistry.Com) thought we had a good source about 6 months ago. I can't remember the name of the company but a member had the ephedrine tested. It came back as 100% fake, so beware.

By the way if you do find a legit source for pure tested ephedrine tabs. Please let us know.

Until then reputation and reliability is all I need.

By the way...I usually get mine free when ordering bulk MC IGF-1.
I cant find a legit source anywhere I know canada sells the 8mg tabs but they wont ship to the US can anybody help me out I need a legit source for ephedrine in a bad way! thanks guys

I think u are referring to Ma Huang extract ephedra, correct?
This is the old good stuff that was banned years and years ago. Don't remember names or parts of plants used but ma huang is the potent extract other forms or from different parts of plant
thanks iron-game your the man....even tho that SUCKSSSS.... wtf why is ephedrine harder to get then fucking anything els!?!?!? This is bullshit... i wonder how the MA HAUNG extracts are im not sure if thats the correct spelling but im sure you all know the ma hung plant has ephedrine in it, but is it possible to get legit ma hung and not some shit that already has the good taken out from it???