Is there a test to tell if your ephedrine is good.


A lots of fake going around .
I am taking about real not pirmate or bronkaid.
Are there any test out there.
There are supposedly some home testing kits out there, but I haven't seen them.
Ok thanks bros. will look into a test if all goes well I will tell you were I got it from. Don't want to lead anyone astray.
Bad new there are fake. Taste like sugar. Had some old one there are bitter. Primatene also is bitter. Hate motherfucker like that. Will work on getting my money back.
Other than the sides that E causes not sure how to test it?

Then again for me elavated BP, enlarge Prostate ( hard to pee) and the 'buzz' it shouldn't be that hard to tell if the stuff is legit or not.
Yep that what I thought . Everything I read says it has a bitter taste .
These have a sweet taste . Will take two in the morning at 30 mg each and compare it to my afternoon went I take the primatene at 12.5 mg so will take four hope I don't fuck my self up.. test these pills.
Hi bro I may have rush the brush on the eph. I took two 60mg and the heat turn up and a started to sweat like a pig. Just that it is sweet. I have never had any that is sweet. I have a friend that going to send a a test kit. ( don't ask won't tell). Should have a answer for you by next week and if it is good will share the link.
Got the test kit . Once mix it suppose to turn violets instead it turn to light blues.
The old eph turn violets . Primatene turn violet also ....