Is Too Much Protein Powder Bad for You?

Muscle Insider

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After a tough workout, there’s nothing like drinking a quick protein shake to start your muscle recovery. When you have a high protein intake goal, you always strive to consume enough food to reach it. Longtime fitness enthusiasts know that all of that chicken breast or tofu can get daunting, and adding in a protein supplement can be...
The post Is Too Much Protein Powder Bad for You? appeared first on BarBend.

After a tough workout, there’s nothing like drinking a quick protein shake to start your muscle recovery. When you have a high protein intake goal, you always strive to consume enough food to reach it. Longtime fitness enthusiasts know that all of that chicken breast or tofu can get daunting, and adding in a protein supplement can be a convenient boost.

But if you down protein shakes like it’s your job, you’ve probably asked yourself at some point: is too much protein powder bad for you? Even if you choose an organic powder, dietary supplements like protein powder aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). So what you want isn’t necessarily what you’re getting.

Credit: Nick Starichenko / Shutterstock

Here, we’ll unpack whether it’s possible to get too much of your favorite type of supplement: protein powder. We’ll explain what it is, how much protein you need, and look into the pros and cons of adding protein shakes to your diet.

Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.

  • Is Too Much Protein Powder Bad For You?

  • What Is Protein Powder?

  • How Much Protein Do You Need Per Day?

  • The Pros and Cons of Drinking Protein Shakes

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Is Too Much Protein Powder Bad For You?

Healthcare professionals, registered dietitians, and nutritionists generally recommend aiming to get the majority of your nutrition from whole foods for optimal health and development. High-quality dietary protein from animal and plant-based foods contains more nutrients than supplements — though supplements do the job as an addition. (1)

Bodybuilders and other dedicated strength athletes with high protein needs may find themselves making more than one protein shake per day. It’s a convenient way to get extra grams of protein without the time and effort it takes to buy and prepare more food. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: LIQUID MUSCLE? — The BEST Protein Powders for Muscle Gain (2023) (

[Read More: The Best Supplement Stacks For Bodybuilders, Vegans, and More]

Is it possible to have too much protein powder? Currently, there isn’t an established limit on how much protein powder is too much. Still, it’s best to get the majority of your protein through whole foods and make up the difference with your smoothies. (1) Consuming multiple protein shakes could also trigger side effects, including digestive issues, bloating, and cramping.

Possible Additives in Protein Powder Supplements

While your body may be fine with the protein itself, consuming protein powder could expose you to ingesting unwanted additives.

Dietary supplements, including protein powder, don’t need to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be sold. The labels don’t need to state all of the ingredients, and they could potentially contain added chemicals or banned substances. (2)

In 2010 and 2018, Consumer Reports published studies stating that heavy metals were found in protein powder supplements. The 2018 study states that three servings of protein powder daily contain more than the maximum amount of heavy metals safe to ingest. (3)(4)

Credit: Halk-44 / Shutterstock

[Read More: The Best Creatine Supplements (Personally Tested)]

The 2018 report references the Clean Label Project. The Clean Label Project analyzed 134 protein powder brands and found that 40 percent had elevated levels of heavy metals: arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, and BPA. They state that plant-based protein powders had higher levels than egg-based protein powders, and organic products had higher levels than non-organic products. (5)

A study published in the Toxicology Reports Journal analyzed these claims. They investigated if ingesting protein powder causes a high enough exposure to heavy metals to harm your health. This study suggests that heavy metals in protein powder do not pose an increased non-carcinogenic risk to human health and that carcinogenic risks were not posed by exposure to heavy metals in protein powder supplements. (6)

If you find yourself still concerned with heavy metal exposure, you may want to avoid ingesting more than three servings of protein powder per day. But it seems that heavy metals found in these supplements may not pose the risks to health that was once thought. (6)

What Is Protein Powder?

Protein powder is a dietary supplement. It is a concentrated form of protein made from animal or plant-based sources and processed into powder form. You can use it in smoothies and other recipes to boost your protein intake.

When choosing a protein powder, check that it is a high-quality, complete protein. Complete protein contains all essential amino acids needed to build muscle, and they are available to be quickly absorbed. (7)

Types of Protein Powder

Protein supplements are either derived from lactose, like whey and casein, or from various plant-based protein sources. Below are the different types of protein powder:

Whole Food Sources of Protein

If you’re concerned about too much protein powder or simply want to boost your overall nutritional intake, you can always increase your intake of protein-rich foods. Here are some high-protein foods to add to your healthy eating repertoire.

  • Animal-based: lean meats, poultry, beef, fish, eggs, and dairy products

  • Plant-based: tofu, tempeh, legumes, lentils, soybeans, and seeds

How Much Protein Do You Need Per Day?

Although it’s unclear how much protein powder is too much, there are clearer limits on the total amount of protein you should get daily.

In the fitness world, we’re all about protein for muscle, but you need it for bodily functions at rest, too. In the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the FDA recommends 50 grams per day as a minimum amount for bodily functions. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for sedentary people of all ages is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (8)(9)

Active people will need more than that to support muscle recovery. Try BarBend’s protein intake calculator for a personalized recommendation.

Protein Intake Calculator













Fat Loss


Muscle Gains
Activity Level

Sedentary: little or no exercise

Exercise 1-3 times/week

Exercise 4-5 times/week

Daily exercise or intense exercise 3-4 times/week

Intense exercise 6-7 times/week

Very intense exercise daily, or physical job
Do you know your body fat percentage?



Total Calories: 1699 Per Day

Daily protein intake recommendation:



Generally recommended


Exercise: 15-30 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.

Intense exercise: 45-120 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.

Very intense exercise: 2+ hours of elevated heart rate activity.

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.protein_in__calculator #eq').on('change', function() {
var bfat= $(this).find(":selected").val();
if (bfat == "3") {
$('.protein_in__calculator #katch').show();
$('.protein_in__calculator #katch').hide();
var units_x;
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="units"]').click(function() {
var units_v = $(this).val();

if (units_v == "SI") {
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-tens"]').attr("placeholder", "Meters");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').attr("placeholder", "Centimeters");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').attr("placeholder", "Kilograms");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val("");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').val("");



else if (units_v == "EN") {
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$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').attr("placeholder", "Inches");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').attr("placeholder", "Pounds");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val("");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').val("");




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$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').attr("placeholder", "Centimeters");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val("");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");

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$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').attr("placeholder", "Inches");
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$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");

$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight-system"]').click(function() {
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$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').attr("placeholder", "Kilograms");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').val("");

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$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').attr("placeholder", "Pounds");
$('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').val("");

$('.protein_in__calculator .calc-submit').click(function() {

var height = 0;
var pbmr =0;
var pweight=0;

var katch = $("input[name='katch']").val();
katch = katch/100;
var eq = $('.protein_in__calculator #eq option:selected').val();

var heightTens = parseInt($('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val());
var heightUnits= parseInt($('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-units"]').val());
var heightType = $('.protein_in__calculator input[name="height-system"]:checked').val();
var weight = parseInt($('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight"]').val());
var weightType = $('.protein_in__calculator input[name="weight-system"]:checked').val();
var calories = 0;
var age = parseInt($('.protein_in__calculator input[name=age]').val());
var sex = $('.protein_in__calculator input[name=sex]:checked').val();
var job = $('.protein_in__calculator input[name=activity]:checked').val();
var goal = $('.protein_in__calculator input[name=goal]:checked').val();
var protons = 0;

if (isNaN(age) || isNaN(heightTens) || isNaN(weight)) {
$('.protein_in__calculator .calc-answer').show(0).html('Please enter values for all the fields.').addClass('bb_cal_error').one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function() {
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $(".calc-header").offset().top-150}, 1000);
$('.protein_in__calculator #cal_result').hide();
else {
if(isNaN(heightUnits)) {
heightUnits = 0;
if (units_x == "EN") {
height = ((heightTens * 30.48) + (heightUnits * 2.54));
else {
height = (heightTens * 100) + heightUnits;

if (units_x == "EN") {
pweight = weight;
weight = (weight * 0.453592);
pweight = weight*2.205;

if (sex == "M") {

if (eq == "2"){
calories = ((weight * 10) + (height * 6.25) - (age * 5) + 5);
pbmr = Math.round(calories);
}else if (eq == "3"){
calories = Math.round(370+21.6*(1-katch)*weight);
pbmr = Math.round(calories);

else {
if (eq == "2"){
calories = ((weight * 10) + (height * 6.25) - (age * 5) - 161);
pbmr = Math.round(calories);
}else if (eq == "3"){
calories = Math.round(370+21.6*(1-katch)*weight);
pbmr = Math.round(calories);

switch (job) {
case "a1":
calories = Math.round(calories * 1.2);
case "a2":
calories = Math.round(calories * 1.375);
case "a3":
calories = Math.round(calories * 1.466);
case "a4":
calories = Math.round(calories * 1.55);
case "a5":
calories = Math.round(calories * 1.725);
case "a6":
calories = Math.round(calories * 1.9);

switch (goal) {
case "fat-loss":
if (calories 2000) calories = Math.round(0.8 * calories);
protons = Math.round(0.40 * calories / 4);
case "maintenance":
protons = Math.round(0.30 * calories / 4);
case "gains":
calories += 500;
protons = Math.round(0.30 * calories / 4);

$('.protein_in__calculator #cal_result').show();

// alert(pweight);

//var phighr = Math.round(pweight*2.3)+' - '+Math.round(pweight*3.1)
var phighr = Math.round(pweight*1.5)

$('.protein_in__calculator .protein_in__min').html(Math.round(pweight*0.72));
$('.protein_in__calculator .protein_in__rec').html(Math.round(pweight*1));
$('.protein_in__calculator .protein_in__fat').html(phighr);

$('.protein_in__calculator .protein_in__result').html(calories);

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $(".protein_in__calculator #cal_result").offset().top-150}, 1000);
$('.protein_in__calculator .calc-answer').html('');



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[Read More: Omega 3 Benefits — More Muscle, Better Recovery, and Enhanced Endurance]

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends active people get 1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. (10)

For body composition goals, you’ll likely want to go even higher (in addition to resistance training). The ACSM and the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) offer the following recommendations for gaining muscle mass, competitive bodybuilding, and losing body fat:

  • The ACSM recommends a minimum of 1.6 grams and a maximum of 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for muscle growth. (10)

  • The ISSN states 1.4 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for building muscle. (11)

  • Competitive bodybuilders can increase to 2.3 to 3.1 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to gain muscle. (12)

  • For fat loss while maintaining lean muscle, the ISSN recommends 2.3 to 3.1 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (11)

Other research lists 3.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight as the maximum daily amount. (1)

The Pros and Cons of Drinking Protein Shakes

Protein shakes are convenient but come with some drawbacks. Let’s break it down.

The Pros of Drinking Protein Shakes

Getting enough protein is essential to your overall health. When...

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