Itching! Red dots/spots?


New member
On my about 6-7th week of TestE/Deca cycle...

For some reason, on many parts of my bodies im getting these zit like spots that itch like crazy... almost like an allergic reaction.
Anyone ever experience anything like this? Have anything to do with the gear or possibly some clothing I wore? Not allergic to aything as far as I know. Done TestE before with no problems..

Rash,allergy sound like possibilities. You try any home remedies like calamine lotion? You may need something stronger of the OTC lotions/creams do not work. You are aware that using gear causes acne correct? I've seen the skin of alot of BB(expos,shows) and they have body acne.
So you think its the Test?
Its getting pretty bad...
on the back of neck... a few spots now..
Do u suggest telling the doctor what im taking? OR are there any over the counter drugs I can take?

Im 100% sure its not from shaving... I dont shave my arms
Its not acne... this itches like crazy...
and the buildup is mainly in the same area (armpits, opposite side of elbow, neck)
thats the opposite side of my elbow... where its happening the worst...
its also around my armpit and neck area...

stop cycle?

Perhaps you're allergic to the oil or something else in the gear. Try putting some of the gear about 1/20th of a cc on your skin then put a bandaid on it overnight. See if there are any red marks or bumps.
Flav, are you on any anti-e's? If you aren't, you better get on one right away. Looking at those pics, you are getting acne from the test because of aromatization. When you are on the test, at first, acne will go away, but as estrogen builds up, you will start to break out bad. In the interim, wipe down with rubbing alcohol every morning after showering and before you go to bed. That should help control it a bit.

If it was an allergic reaction, the dots would be tiny red dots as if someone went over you with a red pen making marks every 1/4 inch or so all over the skin, not just those localized areas you mentioned.
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Thanks for the advice Tony... I guess it can be acne...
What do u suggest I do? I have Nolva on hand... start taking thatand doing the rubbing alcohol? How much Nolva?
Or do you think I should cut the cycle short and stop now?
Its weird cause Ive never gotten acne in these places.... and these itch like crazy, didnt know acne would do that.
As mentioned before, its mainly on my arms/back of my neck/back... nothing around my face yet.

tonykemp said:
Flav, are you on any anti-e's? If you aren't, you better get on one right away. Looking at those pics, you are getting acne from the test because of aromatization. When you are on the test, at first, acne will go away, but as estrogen builds up, you will start to break out bad. In the interim, wipe down with rubbing alcohol every morning after showering and before you go to bed. That should help control it a bit.

If it was an allergic reaction, the dots would be tiny red dots as if someone went over you with a red pen making marks every 1/4 inch or so all over the skin, not just those localized areas you mentioned.
oh...didn't see the picture there. It looks like a heat rash of sorts. I used to get a similar rash there from working out (doing a lot of cardio) also when I used to shave my arms I would see that.
I'm actually hoping it some sort of rash thats not gear related.
Having great succcess on my cycle and would hate to end it... but Im not willing to go on with these red zit like dots all over my body.
I have some Dipgengtdramine tablets (Allergy Forumula)... Im gona take this for a couple days and see how it goes... Hopefully it starts to wear down a bit... if not, I'll go towards my Anti E's...
Ive been told using constant alcohol on your body is a great way to mess up your skin.
If you are oily, alcohol on the skin shouldn't be a problem, and you only need to do it until it clears up. Those areas of the inside of the elbow, etc. don't get a lot of air to them so sweat and oil build up there. It could be a combination of heat plus the oil. Bacteria feed on the oil so when you get rid of their food source, the acne goes away. If you are on your 6-7th week, you should probably already be on your anti-e. I believe 40mg of Nolva is the norm.
tonykemp said:
If you are oily, alcohol on the skin shouldn't be a problem, and you only need to do it until it clears up. Those areas of the inside of the elbow, etc. don't get a lot of air to them so sweat and oil build up there. It could be a combination of heat plus the oil. Bacteria feed on the oil so when you get rid of their food source, the acne goes away. If you are on your 6-7th week, you should probably already be on your anti-e. I believe 40mg of Nolva is the norm.

Really? I thought I should be starting AntiE's after I finish the cycle and run it for about 5weeks?
It depends on how your body reacts. Lots of people do start anti-e at the end of the cycle, but if you start to notice effects from aromatization, you need to start a little earlier, usually one to two weeks before the end of your cycle. Others who are gyno prone tend to use anti-e throughout a whole cycle. There are some general guidelines, but if you start seeing something out of the ordinary like what you are experiencing, you may want to change something to adjust for _your_ body.
tonykemp said:
It depends on how your body reacts. Lots of people do start anti-e at the end of the cycle, but if you start to notice effects from aromatization, you need to start a little earlier, usually one to two weeks before the end of your cycle. Others who are gyno prone tend to use anti-e throughout a whole cycle. There are some general guidelines, but if you start seeing something out of the ordinary like what you are experiencing, you may want to change something to adjust for _your_ body.

Thanks for the advice Tony, I'll definitely start my PCT earlier than expected.
Quick question tho, when using PCT during a cycle... does it somewhat "kill" the cycle down a little? Make it any less effective? Not that it matters, i will start AntiE's today
I don't think you'd notice that much if you only have one or two weeks to go. I think there is an effect if you need to be on it much earlier, depending on what anti-e you are using. Some bros use femara earlier in the cycle, which actually helps the cycle because it increases IGF levels in the body, then change to nolva at the end so that the nolva doesn't interfere with the cycle.
bro you should be running it throughout the cycle to prevent estrogen build up. Some femara and a little nolva works great. 1.25mg eod would be a good dose to start with plus 10-20mg of nolva. It will keep estrogen low and with the addition of nolva will keep your lipid (cholesterol) levels somewhat in check.
I only have Nolva on hand at the moment... so I'm gona go with 40mg Nolva ED for the time being...
hopefully everything goes back to normal soon