Jersey Shore


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I've never watched this show until today. I hate shows on mtv by the way except bully beatdown. Anyway I know some people on here are from new jersey, but are people really like that up there?
I've never watched this show until today. I hate shows on mtv by the way except bully beatdown. Anyway I know some people on here are from new jersey, but are people really like that up there?

NO BRO WERE NOT ALL LIKE THAT! However in Northern New jersey yes alot of those fools realy act like that! Im from Souther new jersey and we dont act like the folks up in Norhtern New jersey, I guess because nothern jersey is next to New York so they all act like New Yorkers up there, but down here in souther new jersey we act like normal people,lol
Good to know, seen that show one time and already hate those people on it.

lmao, dude i watched one episode and hated each and every one of them and hated them more so because they were representing new jersey! lol, and alot of people think thats how we all are, and unfortuanlty alot of NJ people are like that, it must be in the water up there in north jersey i guess
Yes, but its not like the whole state is like that. Just like on the show, many partiers in the early-mid 20s range acts this way.. ESPECIALLY down the shore. I know people who make fun of the show and I think "that's exactly what YOU sound like!!!" It's the whole guido/tough guy attitude.

I'm sure if you put ANY group of young adults in that age range together, you get the same kind of stupidity (drunken hookups, drama, etc... ever watch "The Real World" on MTV?) Same thing... except make all of those people italians from the NYC-NJ metro area and you have a bunch of guidos and a show called "Jersey Shore", lol.
i will admit i liked the show and im sure im not alone here

I do... reminds me of my family (I'm an italian from Staten Island, NY... you don't get closer to being a guido - without actually being one - than that! lol). Plus I grew up going to seaside in the summertime, so when something hits that close to home too, it's hard not to enjoy it... the clubs they go to though...Ugh... tried to go to one of them (Karma, I think?) a few summers back and couldn't stand it. Walked in and got our money back and walked right out...

I'm surprised they didn't drive a bit north to hit up D'Jais in Belmar at some point. That place is the ULTIMATE guidofest...

I honestly dont even know why jersey shore is a show..... I wanted one episode cause nothing else was on , what the fuck is wrong with the world why dont we just start putting hardcore porn on disney channel maybe then there will be hope for the future of america?
LMAO!! Steph, those pics really made me laugh, especially the first one that says the men look like women, and the women look like men--scary!!
i will admit i liked the show and im sure im not alone here

I like the show too lol. Vinnie is the most down to earth, and although paulie looks like a toolbag, hes actually a stand up guy. I can see people hating on the situation but that dude is hilarious with his ego.

EVERYONE hates on the show, but theyre getting 10k an episode for a second season for a reason. I think people love to hate the show and cant stop watching
I do... reminds me of my family (I'm an italian from Staten Island, NY... you don't get closer to being a guido - without actually being one - than that! lol). Plus I grew up going to seaside in the summertime, so when something hits that close to home too, it's hard not to enjoy it... the clubs they go to though...Ugh... tried to go to one of them (Karma, I think?) a few summers back and couldn't stand it. Walked in and got our money back and walked right out...

I'm surprised they didn't drive a bit north to hit up D'Jais in Belmar at some point. That place is the ULTIMATE guidofest...

Oh wow, those pics are hilarious. What a bunch of douchebags.
LOL, the first one is pretty extreme but those two HAD to know they were setting themselves up for that one! You don't see this on a daily basis though... like I said, mainly down the shore on weekends and in the bars/clubs. Beach + alcohol + NJ = hot messes all around!
I'd love to take my camera's to "the shore" and just take pics and video people being fuckin retarded. LOL!!!