Iron Game

Gold Member
Help for Hack Squats

I no longer can do hack squats, as my right knee can’t bend at the angle anymore. What can take its place? I can get leg presses in without the pain, but will that give me the same results hacks give me? They seemed to be the only exercise that hit that “teardrop” above the knee perfectly.

Don’t be so quick to give up on hack squats. First, I’d try to warm up extensively. I don’t mean a couple of light sets of extensions. I would do at least four to five sets of leg extensions for 15-20 reps, until you’re super pumped, and then start very light on hacks with your feet a little higher than normal on the platform. Add weight gradually and control your negatives nice and slow. Never, ever bounce out of the bottom position! Also try using knee wraps once the weight starts feeling heavy. If this doesn’t help, I would try close-stance squats or just regular squats, not going too heavy. Stimulation is stimulation— it doesn’t matter where it comes from. Good luck!

Close-Grip Bench for Tri’s

Jose, what’s your take on using the close-grip bench press as the cornerstone of your triceps program, as squats are for legs and deadlifts are for back? Can it be used year-round or should it be cycled in and out, more often in the off-season?

I would credit that one exercise as being more responsible for my triceps development than any other, so I am a huge believer in its effectiveness. You can and should use it year-round. The only exception to that would be if you have a shoulder or an elbow problem and it causes you pain. Never continue doing an exercise that causes joint or tendon pain just because it’s a “must-do” exercise. If you get injured, you’ll wish you had backed off of doing it.

Safety Bars for Squats

Have you ever used different bars for squats, like a safety bar or a spider bar?

I’m not sure what a spider bar is, but I did try a safety bar one time when I was down at the Powerhouse Gym in New Haven, Connecticut to film a DVD with Evan Centopani. Evan was using it for his squats that day. I loved it, especially because I have a really hard time reaching back to hold a bar for regular back squats now, due to restricted range of motion in my shoulders. I would use it if my gym had it, but it’s not something you see every day. If you have access to one, use it!
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