juice and antibiotics


New member
Any body ever have to take antibiotics during a cycle? I have an ear infection that is kicking my ass. Should I stop taking gear while using antibiotics?
AAS and Antibiotics

Just an UNeducated guess based on my wifes BC instructions which is a hormone base it says that while on BC if one takes antibiotics it lessens the effectiveness of BC and a back up method should be used in conjunction w/ BC. So I'm just guessing that antibiotics will have some sort of effect depending on what type of AAS one might be on. Just like I said this is an UN educated guess.
antibiotics does adversly effect protien synthesis therefore it is wise to eat as much yogurt as possible during ur cycle while on antibiotics
Hey Bro,

You won't have any problems.....I take antibiotics during most of my cycle's. The effects on protien synthesis is very slight!

bigherc said:
thanks, for the responses. guess it's time to start treating this ear ache.
I think he means that AB's kill off the intestinal microbes that aid in digestion/absorbtion. Eating yogurt can help re-colonize Lactobacillus acidophilus which is killed off by strong/long duration AB use.
It depends allot on the type of antibiotic, if its like a Tetracycline antibiotic then yes it will F-up your gear cycle because it inhibits protein synthesis, (the inverse of what gear does) but if it's like amoxcillin you should be ok.
If your worried just get some pro-biotic capsules which helps maintain intestinal bacterial flora........Bacteria is neccesary to synthesis steroid molecules. Yogurt is a good source of probiotics.
Cordoba said:
press, how does yogurt help prevent the yogurt from affecting protein synthesis.

Honestly bro I am not sure and it is only needed when on strong antibiotics like augmenton wich i took for cellulitus and i thought i was literly going to die, the information i gave is simply regurgetated from me through my readings over the years, how it chemicaly works exactly i couoldnt begin to tell ya,lol