juiced racehorses


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Saw on the news last night special on doping of racehorses. Some of the
racehorses were testing positive for steriods!!! OH MY GOD!!!! It was
like this new "discovery". If I remember right, the horse racetrack is where
a lot of people got their shit years ago. Just the media again jumping on
the bandwagon of these "bad,bad drugs". I also remember about 10 years
ago reading about "Designer Steriods" being made for Olympic athleats.
With Balco the media discovered this "NEW" tactic. These ignorant asses
make me sick. (but how do I really feel. LOL)
Yep, that's the way of it. Ya know I'm torn between acting along with the sterotype we're given and pissing on everyone that looks at me cross or being myself and dealing with all of the crap lazy people give and say to make themselves feel better for being fat. But this is probably the way it's going to be for some time, if not forever. Maybe one day someone charasmatic will come along with enough knowledge to inform the public of the facts and make them see it for what it really is, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
shit new my best friends grandpa gets racehorses in shape and gets jockeys to race them his favorite is oil injected winstrol and equipoise new shit horses have been on gear for a very very long time.
Man, I wish there weren't any cruelty to animal laws. I'd like to beef up some animals for fun. I guess I'll jus have to wait til I have kids (Little Hercules), haha j/k!
now it will be "horses with roidrage, lethal at the track" dun dun dun..... :rolleyes:

they will blame jockeys that get injured by trampeling as the horses "roidraging" on the jockeys.
I hope they did a good job figuring out thier PCT plans!!! Dont want to lose those gains!!