Just a Newbie saying G'day


New member
Hey Team

Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself, I'm a 39 yr old guy who used to make fun of gym junkies and Im now addicted myself, plus I have an 8 yr old to chase around. About to hit up my second clen cycle using everything i learned in the first cycle to hopefully lose some weight and make some serious body improvements.

Happy training

Hi Matt welcome to MuscleChemistry tell us a little about your clen cycles, bodyfat, training experience etc. If you would. Glad your here.
Thankes everyone, glad to be here!

Well Ive been weight training for about 3.5 years after playing footy and racing motocross came to an and when my "what i wanted to do" and "what i can actually do" got confused, resulting in some serious knee damage, 6 months off work and a very crabby wife!

I put on a huge amount of weight after that and seen a picture of myself and thought it was time to do something about it! I tried my fisrt clen cycle about 6 months ago going with a 2 week cycle, starting at 20mg, increasing daily up until 120 and back down to 20. I lost a huge amount of weight on the first cycle then really plateued out after that! But I also lost a large amount of muscle during cycle this as well, I figured out that I was burning a lot more calories than I thought and beleive I starved myself and after wearing a tracker for the last 4 weeks at my job (im a diesel fitter in mining) this has proved to be true! I was burning over 4000 calories a day but consuming about 3000 or so!

I train 5-6 days a week with a little cardio thrown in at the end, and I wont lie, I want to get ripped, plain and simple!!
I weigh 98kg, 179 cm tall, solid build and my last dexa scan was showing 16% bodyfat but that was a few months ago, I train 1 body part a day except legs which i try and do twice a week but the knee usually decides that!

So thats me in a nut shell, Any advice and commemts are appreciated

Welcome aboard. With longer clen cycles it may help to take ketotifen to clean out your receptors. I would use the search function and look up clen and ketotifen.

Good luck!!
Gday mate... good to see another Aussie on here.. this place has a wealth of knowledge. Stick around you will definitely learn heaps
Do you feel you are able to recover from all of that training? Even with my rather complex supplement schedule I can't train with weights more than 3 times a week. Is your strength progressing?
welcome, as u can see there is a lot of knowledge to be had lol and i second the keto thing
Do you feel you are able to recover from all of that training? Even with my rather complex supplement schedule I can't train with weights more than 3 times a week. Is your strength progressing?

I was making some serious strength gains before my first cycle and really lost strength and endurance afterwards, part of the reason I havent cycled again until now, but It may have also been my diet and me being unaware that i wasnt eating as much as I though and being affected also by cycling to long and losing muscle mass.
I had a dexa scan before hand and also a little after and I had apparently lost over 5kg in lean muscle!!!! But it was with 2 different companys and 2 different manufacteres of the machine, same type but different manufacturer.