Just out of curiousity how many of you drink?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I know most of you don't on cycle but I suspect some do even on. I am just wondering if you drink a beer or two and feel guilty or do you do it in moderation.
I used to as most on the board know lol. I drink quite a bit 12 pack or so once every 2 months during a big game with friends etc. but other then that ill have one drink a beer or wine or mixed drink once a month maybe when off. If im on then i dont drink at all.
Socially. Maybe 3-4 times a year tops. I always over-do it and end up doing things about as bad and embarrassing as the guy who posted above me. Usually I end up flirting with some random in front of my wife--makes for an even better hangover.
i work as a bouncer so it's hard not to have a drink or two when hot chicks buy them for me
we cant drink at all at my current bouncing gig. So I dont drink for 5 days a week. Then the other two, its a monday or tuesday night.... Dont feel like partying on those two nights... SO i dont really drink anymore. Its good though, i've seen a lot of improvements in my lifting and my lift since ive stopped.-at one point, i was an alcoholic
i enjoy a beer here and there...

but i hate the way i feel the nxt day. mentally i feel drained knowing i drank the night before, so i make sure i fill up on food and sleeop afterwards
Haven't had a drink in 6 years......I don't drink socially, and when I did it was only 40% - drinking is a waste.
I do enough harm with my AAS use.
i still have drinks, maybe even catch a buzz about once or twice a month. but dont really get smashed anymore.
Very rarely.... once or twice a year. I do other things painpills or Xyrem. Alcohol does too much damage for too long.... not to mention liquor dick.
I enjoy a glass or two of red wine a few times a week. It's my one vice so I figure as long as I keep it in moderation I'll be alright.
3 years 5months and 2weeks and a day sober from alcoholic beverages... I remember the day because that's the day I got into a drunk driving accident.. I wasn't drunk. The other guy was but, after I woke up from my coma, I made a realization.. man alcohol is JUNK !! Why put something pointless like that into my body that does nothing when I could use something that is less liver toxifying and get HUGE.. And thus, I quit the booze forever and dedicated myself to getting better and eventually working my way to becoming the best bodybuilder I can be.
for the first time, i wont be drunk for new years or the wedding im going to the following day....
Im pretty impressed. Just shows that the dedication needed for this sport is useful in other areas of life. I use to be an alcoholic myself. I would drink a 12 pack plus hard liquor or pills and occassionally illegal drugs every night. Yes every night. It was very expensive and I am pretty sure some of my anxiety issues developed during that stupidity.
3 years 5months and 2weeks and a day sober from alcoholic beverages... I remember the day because that's the day I got into a drunk driving accident.. I wasn't drunk. The other guy was but, after I woke up from my coma, I made a realization.. man alcohol is JUNK !! Why put something pointless like that into my body that does nothing when I could use something that is less liver toxifying and get HUGE.. And thus, I quit the booze forever and dedicated myself to getting better and eventually working my way to becoming the best bodybuilder I can be.
Pretty inspiring bro glad to hear you are being positive when alot of people could go a completely negative way after a tragedy like that.
Im pretty impressed. Just shows that the dedication needed for this sport is useful in other areas of life. I use to be an alcoholic myself. I would drink a 12 pack plus hard liquor or pills and occassionally illegal drugs every night. Yes every night. It was very expensive and I am pretty sure some of my anxiety issues developed during that stupidity.
Crazy man glad your sober now, no good things can come of it.

The next time i forsee me having more then a couple of beers is my best friends wedding this summer gotta do the bachelor party for him so its gonna be a nutty weekend then at the reception ill have to get a good buzz and fuck the bridesmaid. Other then that i wont be touching the stuff cant wait to start my cycle ahhhhhhh is february here yet.