Just some pics I found funny


New member
no love for Obama!? Free healthcare, why are people against basic help?

You're fucking kidding right? Obamacare has raised my health insurance bill by over 40%. Obama can go fuck himself with a big rubber dick.
Thank you VA. I dont pay for it nor do I use it. I know single mothers who wont sign up for it one of which said, an quote, "no one else should have to pay for decisions I made three years ago". On the topic that started this thread... love the pics, I have to agree the old man with the stimulate sign is straight hilarious.
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my health care went up over 25 % . I can see 5 % , but over 25%. Funny to me, when they passed the
health care the democrats who voted it in, copped to not even reading it before voting. (Pelosi ect...)
Dont get me started on another rant. lol