Keith williams just won his pro card!!

Def well deserved!!!!! All he needs to do is add a little quad to match his upper body and he'll do great
Glad he won his pro card but he will never place top 5 in a pro show unless it's extremely low quality show. The man is in his 40's and been doing this a LONG time. He's not going to gain much more quality mass or bring his legs up to par with his upper body. I don't mean to trash the guy I admire him for his determination but he has maxed out his potential IMO. Wish him the best of luck though!
well deserved...I dont think he will do much damage in the pro's shows (like arnold or mr.olympia) but smaller shows like the hartford, chicago, europa shows I think he can place in the top 5 and maybe even suprise a few by coming in shredded to the bone...