Kettle bells


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I am so sick of seeing people with these things. I realize they are great for some conditioning and martial arts even. I understand they are okay for some some fitness applications but they are everywhere. Danskin is even making 10 pound ones with rubber that is colored pink. Do you guys ever use these things at all? The Wal Mart in town doesn't even carry dumbells except for 10-25s and they have 7 or 8 kettle bell weights. Okay sorry about my rant but I suspect tons of people will just hurt themselves with these things.
no gym i have ever been at has had them, or atleast not that i have seen! Nor would i ever use them, arent they for stronman competitions, or am i thinking of something else
I've never seen one used in real life. Seems like momentum would make them unreliable.
I don't think they are the end all piece of equipment some guys make them out to be but I have found them useful. Kettlebell swings when done correctly really help the core. I like using them for military every now and then as well. I would say they are more of a coordination conditioning tool, not used for hypertrophy or what the typical bber is looking for. I tend to train a lot foe athletics so I think they help but if i was strictly bbing I would prob never use them.
They have a pile of them at our gym. The only people I see using them are the out of shape women and the retards.
They have a pile of them at our gym. The only people I see using them are the out of shape women and the retards.

they dont have any at my gym, ive used them doing various exercises but i cant say i prefer them even a little more then dumbells. In fact id rather use db's.
LOL too funny. I do use them to warm up sometimes, helps with my arthritis of all things (hips and shoulders). But I can't see them helping with mass.
Some people in Strongman do use these, I think they are ok for full body workouts that women might do...

I do believe in chain training and other alternatives to regular weights, but yeah kettlebells aren't my thing either.
I believe in normal weight training , with a mixture of cardio and plyometrics but..... Just normal weight training is good enough for most people.