King Kamali updated pic

Looks good if he's the new spokesman for pump n pose, very round, lumpy and shiney. Just sayin.
Wow, his waist has gotten so much smaller! I mean what does this guy do? Just walk around bloated, like that....he just needs to let it go.
Looks good if he's the new spokesman for pump n pose, very round, lumpy and shiney. Just sayin.

LoL, I wasn't meaning he looks good as far as being able to compete, I was meaning looking good for him. Either way, I could see him doing pump and pose lol
Did he move out of his parents house yet?

LMAO, I went to grad school with his cousin. Ive got a ton of stories that he would tell me. Ive met him a couple times but he treated me like I was so far beneath him. He would wealk around wearing "bib overalls",, when they were in ofcourse for a short time.
His cousin said he was a huge moocher.
I cant hate on the guy bc he is a pro and he did crack the top 10 at the Olympia so he owns my ass in this area. I did like the smack talk with him and Titus though.
I forget but what was the reason he's been away for so long? Health issues? Lack of sponsors?