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Reproductive health is one of the thoroughly researched areas of the medical field in this era, particularly.

Millions of people suffer from sexually transmitted diseases, fertility issues, sexual malformations, and other reproductive disorders. Therefore, finding timely treatments and cures is becoming the hour of need now.

One such unconventional and potential therapy for fertility issues is the exogenous management of Kisspeptin-10 peptide in the human species. This neuropeptide is postulated to stimulate the reproductive hormones in both men and women.

This review is for people considering using Kisspeptin-10 as I will cover everything related to the peptide, such as what it is, how it works, and the future benefits and side effects.

What is Kisspeptin-10?
Kisspeptin, a potential neuropeptide released by the hypothalamus, is believed to stimulate and trigger the secretion of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

Figure 1: Kisspeptin Peptide
Kisspeptin, controlled by the KISS1 gene, is a prospective regulator of the mammalian reproductive system.

Kisspeptin-10, also sometimes referred to as KP-10, is the most effective and potent member of the Kisspeptin peptide family (1). Research suggests a significant role of Kisspeptin in earlier stages of reproductive development.

Scientists believe that inactivating the mutations of the KISS1 gene during the pubertal phase of life can lead to fertility failure, whereas activating mutations can lead to advanced/precocious puberty.

Four human Kisspeptin isoforms are named according to their constituent amino acids, ranging from -10, -13, -14, and -54.

Despite all the affirmations, more research and clinical trials involving both men and women need to be conducted since the exogenous administration of Kisspeptin-10 can certainly work as a novel therapy to treat a wide array of reproductive and fertility disorders.

How Does Kisspeptin-10 Work?
The hypothalamus synthesizes Kisspeptin-10 through its arcuate and anteroventral paraventricular nucleus. Via KISS1 gene activation, Kisspeptin-10 binds to the KISS1R receptor (2). Subsequent binding results in the triggering of the Phospholipase C pathway involving hypothalamic cells.

Available evidence confirms the ultimate role of Kisspeptin in pubertal onset in mammals (3). Loss of the KISS1 gene or a disruption in the formation of Kisspeptin has suggested a risk of developing hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH).

Interestingly, Kisspeptin-10 is involved in follicular development, oocyte maturation, ovulation, ovarian steroidogenesis, spermatogenesis, uterus, placenta, and pregnancy.

That being said, one can infer the dynamic role of Kisspeptin- 10 in various ways involving the reproductive physiology of mammals, including humans (4).

Nevertheless, the mechanism of work of Kisspeptin-10 requires more thorough research.

Benefits of Kisspeptin-10
Kisspeptin-10 is a stimulator for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) (5). Scientists believe that the exogenous administration of this neuropeptide (naturally secreted by the hypothalamus) can be considered a key regulator of GnRH.

Evidence highlighting the effects of mutations of the KISS1 gene suggests the significant role of Kisspeptin-10 in early or delayed pubertal growth.

Furthermore, Kisspeptin-10 is known to increase LH levels in both men and women. Thus, one can say that Kisspeptin-10 is an LH secretagogue as well (6).

Although there are several isoforms of human Kisspeptin, KP-10 is the most potent due to its shorter half-life and more rapid onset of its activity after intravenous administration.

Several studies also concluded that Kisspeptin- 10, through the Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPG axis), can stimulate sexual and emotional brain processing related to olfaction, fear, anxiety, and sexual arousal (7).

Studies also suggest that Kisspeptin-10 provides a potential link between nutritional status and fertility. It can also increase testosterone levels in men and sex-related drive.

Who Should Use Kisspeptin-10?
Kisspeptin-10, although a narrow yet budding research area of reproductive studies, benefits people with fertility issues.

Kisspeptin-10 is hypothesized to increase and regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, influencing the reproductive health of both men and women.

Humans suffering hypogonadism, insufficient gonadal and sex steroids, or women with enhanced risk of developing OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) can all be treated with Kisspeptin-10 hypothetically.

Nevertheless, before proceeding with Kisspeptin-10, one should have a thorough check-up of their reproductive health alongside consulting with their physician.

Forms of Kisspeptin-10
Kisspeptin- 10 is generally available as intravenous injections. However, certain companies also offer Kisspeptin in the form of capsules.

Kisspeptin-10 Dosage
Ideally, Kisspeptin dosage is advised differently to different people depending on the conditions they are suffering from.

To determine the best possible dose for yourself, you should do in-depth and extensive blood work involving your current FSH and LH levels. You’re also suggested to do the tests for a while to figure out the frequent fluctuation associated with the two hormones.

Compare your results with the reference hormone levels and consult your doctor to determine whether you should take the Kisspeptin supplement and for how long.

However, some suggest that 10mg and 5mg of Kisspeptin-10 are acceptable daily.

Kisspeptin-10 Cycle
Avoid exceeding Kisspeptin-10 supplementation for more than four months straight. After one cycle, a break of 25 days is required before you start another cycle.

Kisspeptin-10 Reviews
User reviews are the 2nd most authentic source of information after the available clinical evidence.

Some of the users were impressed with how Kisspeptin-10 worked out for them.

One of the customers states that,

“I am at 250 mcg a day. I found taking it at night on an empty stomach seems to work better. I have actually gotten one testicle to increase size, and I can feel it in the testicles after taking it sub q. I have skipped some days here and there and noticed no problems. Only been on it for a month and a half, so I am thinking of taking a day every two days to see if there is any change. I like it better than HCG.”

On the other hand, some users believe Kisspeptin-10 has room for further improvement and development before it disrupts the markets.

One of the users said,

“From what I’ve gathered, it’s promising but not a ton of human data to make conclusions off of yet. I’ve seen some good anecdotes, but I’m hesitant because of possible desensitization.”

Another customer said,

“Kisspeptin is kind of useless. The half-life is 4 minutes, so you need to take it as a continuous infusion to do anything useful. If someone invents a Mod-Kisspeptin with a longer half-life, then it might be useful, but until then, hunt out the HCG as best you can.”

Best Time To Take Kisspeptin-10
Like most other supplements, Kisspeptin should also be taken along with a meal. Most people suggest the intake of Kisspeptin-10 with the first meal of the day, preferably during breakfast.

Kisspeptin-10 Side Effects
With Kisspeptin-10 still being a heavily researched peptide for reproductive health, one can’t infer the long-term safety profile until dedicated clinical trials are performed.

However, it can be deduced that an overdose with Kisspeptin- 10 injections can lead to hypersecretion of gonadotropic hormones. With this, the chances of precocious puberty in the growing age increase manifold.

Additionally, one study suggests that Kisspeptin-10 administration twice daily in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea results in tachyphylaxis (reduced efficacy) due to excessive desensitization of Kisspeptin-10 receptors (8).

Where Can I Buy Kisspeptin-10?
Kisspeptin- 10 is a relatively new peptide in the market that can be quite difficult to find in local pharmaceutical stores nearby. With extensive search, I have tried to list down 2 of the most genuine brands offering the peptide.

Kisspeptin-10 by Pure Rawz

Pure Rawz is one of the most authentic and well-known brands to offer all kinds of SARMs and Peptides.

With just $48.98 for 5mg, Pure Rawz ships one of the potent neuropeptides, Kisspeptin-10, around the globe. The brand is known for its 99% product purity alongside the provision of the certificate of analysis for further confirmation.

You can also avail a 30-day return policy with Kisspeptin-10 and a 24/7 customer support service.


  • Secure checkout with a 100% guarantee
  • Third-party tested

  • Customer reviews for Kisspeptin- 10 are unavailable.

Kisspeptin-10 by Swiss Chems

Swiss Chems offers various products, from anti-aging compounds and beginners bundles to nootropics and peptides.

Kisspeptin-10 costing around $135.00 can sound a bit expensive for some. However, with the frequent discounts available, it can be easier for the customer to opt for it.

Swiss chems also suggest the intake of 10 mg Kisspeptin-10 in conjunction with bacteriostatic water (BAC). Swiss Chems also offers a refund if their product tests negative at any HPLC licensed facility.


  • Great discounts available
  • Refund policy if the product tests negative in HPLC facility

  • Can be expensive

Kisspeptin-10 vs. Other Compounds
Kisspeptin-10 vs. HCG
Both Kisspeptin-10 and HCG increase the gonadotropic hormones in humans. However, Kisspeptin-10 has been considered more effective than HCG in preventing disorders such as testicular atrophy for many years.

It is also believed that Kisspeptin-10 maintains testosterone levels far better than Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). It does so by communicating with the pituitary gland to increase testosterone production and, in turn, enhance sperm count.

Kisspeptin-10 vs. Gonadorelin
Kisspeptin- 10 and Gonadorelin both play an important part in reproductive physiology. Kisspeptin- 10, a neuropeptide of the hypothalamus, stimulates the secretion of GnRH that causes the release of LH and FSH.

In contrast, Gonadorelin itself is an analog of GnRH. Therefore, an exogenous administration of Gonadorelin can directly cause LH and FSH release stimulation.

Nevertheless, with Kisspeptin- 10, you allow your body to take charge and synthesize GnRH on its own after a slight push with KP-10.

Is Kisspeptin-10 Legit?
One can regard this neuropeptide to be a legitimate and authentic product to be used.

However, with limited clinical trials available on humans, it is recommended to get in touch with your trusted consultant and figure out what’s best for you.

Kisspeptin- 10, a hypothalamic compound, plays an important role in maintaining the HPG axis via modulating GnRH levels in the body. KP-10 is also believed to work by regulating feedback loops linking the reproductive system.

Kisspeptin- 10, if given a chance, can certainly be a new getaway towards finding therapeutic cures and designing treatment plans for a melange of reproductive disorders.

Does Kisspeptin increase testosterone?

Yes, the exogenous incorporation of Kisspeptin-10 can increase testosterone levels in males. Kisspeptin-10 itself stimulates the body to produce its testosterone in balanced amounts without the levels becoming too high.

What does Kisspeptin do in males?

It is stated through research that Kisspeptin-10 in males can lead to an increase in LH, testosterone, LH pulse frequency, and pulse size through continuous infusion.

Does Kisspeptin- 10 increase sperm count?

There isn’t much research indicating an increase in sperm count. However, it does suggest a potential effect on sperm motility in normozoospermic subjects.

Does Kisspeptin increase FSH?

Kisspeptin increases the secretion of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus. GnRH, in turn, causes the release of reproductive hormones such as LH and FSH from gonadotrophs of the anterior pituitary gland.

Is Kisspeptin a steroid hormone?

No, Kisspeptin is not a steroid hormone. Rather, it is a neuropeptide synthesized majorly by the arcuate and anterior ventral paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.

Is Kisspeptin required for puberty?

Kisspeptin-10 and its receptor are required for the optimum functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. In this way, it is important to regulate puberty onset in mammals.

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