knees feel like they're gonna blow


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
ok, so my knees have been killing me lately. This is odd, as my knees have never been a problem in the past. I can only theorize that this is due to my leg workouts. They have changed in the following ways over the past year or so:

1. more narrow range of motion, to parrallel only per the chiropractor.
2. I place the bar "high" on the traps,this tends to pull stress from the back, but tends to replace it to the knees. Better known as a "bodybuilders" squat vs. a powerlifter type. My knees have always been ok, so I never worried, My lower back has always been a problem.
3. weights have increased dramatically (part DC, part narrower ROM). Probably about 25%. Im hitting PR's on every leg exercise nearly every week.

So what can I do? Is it wrapping time? My weights are not really wrap worthy weight IMHO. No 500lb squats and such. I stretch the muscles, but my only guess is that its my tendons/ligaments not being able to keep up with the strength gains. Ive never had this problem in the past, but my strength gains have never been dramatic either. My elbows were doing it a few weeks ago, but seem to have "adjusted" to the weight. Obviously, upper body weights aren't nearly as heavy or increase nearly as fast.
Back off on the weight bro...Give them some rest otherwise you may have worse problems than just aching knee's. Also who cares if they are wrap worthy? Do what feels better/safer for you and don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks.
It could be your foot position. Also, I make sure and warm up real good before squats and I use knee sleeves on my working sets. I ordered some biofreeze gel, so I'll let you guys know how that works too.
Could also be a little tendonitis... Are you warming up enough prior to w/o? I had a problem jumping in before and a good 15min on the elliptilcall really helped... Just a thought...
i only do the normal warmup sets that DC requires.
plus, doing legs last usually means Im warmed up.

as for my foot position, I have pulled my feet back some on my lifts, it puts more pressure on the quads (which is what Im trying to stimulate), but also my knees. But it has saved my lower back.
If it helps any, I used to have the same problem. I even developed bicipital tendonitus. Did some research on MSM, tried it and never have joint problems while taking it. I work on ships and the steel is really tough on joints and feet. All my shipmates wonder how I'm not in pain working out and working the way I do....MSM baby. I take it three times a day and use the 1500 mg caps. Sometimes I'll take two caps depending on what Im doing at the time.

kdog said:
Could also be a little tendonitis... Are you warming up enough prior to w/o? I had a problem jumping in before and a good 15min on the elliptilcall really helped... Just a thought...
exactly bro tendonitus
i had the same thing a few months ago
I had prolo therapy, its sugar water injections
It helped big time, The only thing is I wont squat real heavy anymore
BiggerStronger said:
Back off on the weight bro...Give them some rest otherwise you may have worse problems than just aching knee's. Also who cares if they are wrap worthy? Do what feels better/safer for you and don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks.
Bigger is right ,back off on your legs a little, me and my brother had a simmiler proiblem, Although we we both over 600 pds on leg press. Also I'm not promoting this in anyway but, Deca, Anadrol, and d-bol seem to lube the joints of the user. "very effective in powerlifting".Also I dont know if you have ever seen what it looks like when a deadlifters knee gives out but its pretty scary to say the least. Theres a video of it somewhere, I'll try to find it. Make sure you dont wrap too tigh, you can decrease the blood volume to the lower parts of your leg and thats not good either. My best suggestion is to back off on the weight a little and do more reps as aposed to trying to blow out a set real quik with heavy weight....hope this helps and I hgope your knees get better soon bro, good luck. Regards TOOL
dreww said:
ok, so my knees have been killing me lately. This is odd, as my knees have never been a problem in the past. I can only theorize that this is due to my leg workouts. They have changed in the following ways over the past year or so:

1. more narrow range of motion, to parrallel only per the chiropractor.
2. I place the bar "high" on the traps,this tends to pull stress from the back, but tends to replace it to the knees. Better known as a "bodybuilders" squat vs. a powerlifter type. My knees have always been ok, so I never worried, My lower back has always been a problem.
3. weights have increased dramatically (part DC, part narrower ROM). Probably about 25%. Im hitting PR's on every leg exercise nearly every week.

So what can I do? Is it wrapping time? My weights are not really wrap worthy weight IMHO. No 500lb squats and such. I stretch the muscles, but my only guess is that its my tendons/ligaments not being able to keep up with the strength gains. Ive never had this problem in the past, but my strength gains have never been dramatic either. My elbows were doing it a few weeks ago, but seem to have "adjusted" to the weight. Obviously, upper body weights aren't nearly as heavy or increase nearly as fast.

sometimes if im using eq or winny my knees kill me also as do some other joints