Lasix use.

Hey Mountain Man I am very I interested in this subject also would it be ok if also shot you a pm on the use of lasix

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I never had to use any type of diuretic, i was always able to get super shredded and scaley looking if you know what im talking about, but i would certainly use it if for some reason i prepped for a show all those month, then got sick or something happened where i needed to pull some last minute water out of me, but i wouldnt count on using it from the start. Plus you really should use it before a show if its goingt o be the first time youve used it before, it can have very serious backlash and do the opposite of what you want, along with a plethora of other things.
I feel you P I just want to have all my bases covered before hitting this national event.
Honestly, I would pick lasix last to pull off water. I would use diazide first or even aldactone. Look into it.
Lasix is kinda old school. I wouldn't ever use it. No need to when you have options like dyazide and aldacfone.

Why not run the safer options they all accomplish the same task.
yeah it is old school for sure, but somehow still popular as hell, like i said ive never used any type of diuretics, but would if needed to last minute
Wanted to add my thoughts. Lasix vs diazide /aldactone are not the same. Diazide and Aldactone IMO will help your body manipulate h20 those last few days making everything more efficient. Only time I added lasix before a show on myself or somebody I was helping was a few hours before pre judging and in hotshot only. This along with slin is something I think everybody should stay clear of unless you know what your doing.