LE@ the gym today...


National Strongman Competitor
So funny story for you guys...And very much true for anyone who might doubt that this went down.

Today at the gym, I was approached by a guy, who does not go to my gym and immediately after I was hitting 405 for a few reps on bench comes over to me and says, "hey you are pretty strong, know where I might be able to get a little help"...

Mind you I am very detail oriented, so with a straight face I tell the guy, call your partner over here and we will talk...

So he excitedly waves his friend over..when the two are face to face with me, I look at both of them and tell them, "let me tell you a few reasons why the both of you can go F*** yourselves."

"For one, you come into this gym in brand new workout clothes. For two, you are benching 55 pounds on the decline...my daughter does more then this and she is 5.and you the fat one, you are rowing 10lbs in each arm with shit form, you two have never worked out a day in your life. For 3 you are wearing hoodies and on your cell phone far too much to be a real lifter, plus you don't go here, I know everyone who does."

Now the two are looking at me mouth's dropped in disbelief that I am saying this to their faces. Physically they really are slobs.

Next I say, "also, the next time you park your State funded vehicle with tint and roll cages in the back and ride in together in an unmarked car...make sure you don't make your transfer point Dunkin Donuts, because some of us like Coffee as our pre-workout drink. So if there is nothing else. get the F** out of my face"

They both looked at me stunned, literally mouths dropped open and the put their heads down, walked out of the gym immediately.

Now I for one am Natural for 3 years, and am a law abiding citizen. I do not break any laws, I don't even speed anymore because of past speeding tickets...So for me this was insane..I can't believe that LE is trying this "rod farva" approach..I mean actually I can.

And I truly did watch this happen...I really watched them at Dunkin Donuts, because I too have tint and I was getting my pre-workout coffee..I watched them watch me and everyone else at the gym and I saw who they were immediately upon walking in the gym and knew who they were.

I wonder if this is entrapment?? And I know LE is on BBing forums, including here, FB all over, but not only do I think it's a waste of tax payer's money..but as a gym owner I would not want anyone harassing my members.

Any of you guys ever witness things like this going down?? Or is this the new strategy, find a guy in shape and try to see if you can set him up??

Well I for one know your clean and have been! Does the story sound a little outrageous, a tad, but ive seen and experienced this same shit first hand as well, so while it sounds outrageous, it does happen a lot more then people might think. I personaly would not have told them to go fuck themselves, lol, but hey thats just me,lol.

You should have told them you have a Mexican Pharmacy stocked back at your house, and when they come rolling in with a No Knock Warrent, masks and helmets on and guns a blazing and dont fnd shit, laugh and file a lawsuit all the way to the bank.

But no way I would tell them to go fuck themselves, maybe in my early 20's,lol, but not now
I've had people ask me for shit in the gym before. I always tell them to ask the gym staff, I heard they had a hook up. I never talk about anything at the gym. Too many idiots.
Well I for one know your clean and have been! Does the story sound a little outrageous, a tad, but ive seen and experienced this same shit first hand as well, so while it sounds outrageous, it does happen a lot more then people might think. I personaly would not have told them to go fuck themselves, lol, but hey thats just me,lol.

You should have told them you have a Mexican Pharmacy stocked back at your house, and when they come rolling in with a No Knock Warrent, masks and helmets on and guns a blazing and dont fnd shit, laugh and file a lawsuit all the way to the bank.

But no way I would tell them to go fuck themselves, maybe in my early 20's,lol, but not now

After all I have been through in the last 3 years and after going through a bad custody battle, and seeing what "professionals" try to do..I am a changed man...

This is the thing Press, these LE were trying to set me up, ie incarcerate me, ie take away my beautiful daughter, ie ruin my life. In a nutshell. If you are prepared to present those consequences, you had better be damn prepared to be ready to deal with me on such a level.

Especially since I am a positive member of society. My Friday nights consist of playing Barbie dolls with my daughter on the floor. If you wanna disrespect me, and my family, you should be lucky you got off with only some curse words.
wonder if they'll tell their buddy's and try to pull you over later on for something stupid

pulled you over because I didn't see your renewal sticker on your plate, but I see it now-mind if I see your license, registration, and proof of insurance? Care if I search your car? The reason I ask is because you seem a little nervous...if you say no I can just call in a search warrant

this is almost word for word what happened to me one time
They can search me, my car...I guess that is why I am more open to acting the way I did, because I am doing nothing wrong...Now mind you, if I randomly get pulled over, I will be sure to get my Attny's office on the phone on speaker asap, and him if possible. The only thing they will find is a bunch of barbie dolls and toys my little on has in the backseat...

Not worried about that part...and again that is why I have a very good Attny..if they wanna go that route, they always have the ability to set you and I up...they plant stuff on people all the time...Plant something...We will demand it fingerprinted, subpoena dash cams, etc, etc...This stuff does happen all the time..and I am not asking for it to happen, but I will not live in fear either...And this situation came to me..I did not go looking for it..I could have been nicer and just said NO but then they'd be back to throw their hook in the water hoping to catch some other unsuspecting person...I doubt those 2 will be back..They should be put on suspension for being so dumb...or retrained.
I know a guy that would do that to his best friend, his mother, even a guy that took a bullet for him. He is scum in every sense of the word. He embodies all that is corrupt and crooked in Law Enforcement. Yes they are out there and if I had the chance I would do EXACTLY as Wesley did.
I know a guy that would do that to his best friend, his mother, even a guy that took a bullet for him. He is scum in every sense of the word. He embodies all that is corrupt and crooked in Law Enforcement. Yes they are out there and if I had the chance I would do EXACTLY as Wesley did.

This is what kills me the most. I am a good person. I have always given people the shirt off my back. The only time I have had issues is with people who envy what I now accomplish, or demonize me for my past AAS use. Now I have trained with 3 LE guys for years...Derek Poundstone is a cop. I treat these guys like family. I genuinely care about them..Would give them the shirt off my back..They would NEVER dare disrespect me and question or isolate me bc of my past AAS use...Now you guys know me, I have been here 12+ years. I am 203 lbs..when I was "on" 230 @ 4-6%...very clear difference...But people fuck with me constantly and I won't tolerate it.

I have full respect for LE....If you meet me I am one of the nicest people you will meet, polite, I was raised well...but if you cross me and my beliefs..expect the worse from me.

I just don't know how these people in America sell out...I mean you have to have a conscious. Many LE do, but some are just brainwashed and believe that everyone is a criminal. I seriously cannot wrap my mind around why our Gov't is so out to get steroid users. In my experience 90% of AAS users are amazing people who just want muscle and better bodies. I know people are challenged by, jealous of, and have many issues with things they cannot experience or are unable to attain, but the rate at which we chase AAS is sickening. It really is the modern witch hunt. If I was alive 150 years ago, I'd be in Salem Mass. sticking up for all those innocent people they burned to death. I am here now defending AAS users, even though I am no longer using.

I have always known one saying, "Stand up for those you believe in, because the day may come for people to stand up for you, and if you don't defend others, there may be no one left to stand up for you"
I truly welcome the day when laws are made in the favor of the people by the people and enforced by Local LE (also people). Don't steal property. If you do, you lose a hand. Don't batter other people or prepare to be battered or worse in retribution. Pretty simple stuff. Families need to take care of themselves and their loved ones. Simpler times. Every one has guns and knows their rights. Flat tax that we have a say in it use. Politicians should be voted on and not compensated. Barter systems and community defense networks
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This is what kills me the most. I am a good person. I have always given people the shirt off my back."

This is what struck me the most when reading this story. Those cops not only talked to probably the strongest person in the gym that day, but also the nicest. Wesley you have always been so helpful, and taken the time to thouroughly answer any question sent your way. It really is a shame that this happened to you brother.
This is what struck me the most when reading this story. Those cops not only talked to probably the strongest person in the gym that day, but also the nicest. Wesley you have always been so helpful, and taken the time to thouroughly answer any question sent your way. It really is a shame that this happened to you brother.

I am glad that it happened to me...My bodybuilder/powerlifter/strongman and other strength athletes are my family. MC is my family..all of you guys here..I stand up for what I believe is right. If those clowns ever decide to show back up, which I very much doubt they will, I will be the guy who stands up on a bench press, and announces to the whole gym that we have undercovers here and call them out. I firmly believe AAS should be legal. I firmly believe that arresting and incarcerating people who use is abusive to say the least. ..

"Do you think that we want those laws to be observed?
We want them broken. There’s no way to rule innocent men.
The only power the government has is the power to crack down
on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them.
One declares so many things to be a crime that
it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."

~Ayn Rand~
I am glad that it happened to me...My bodybuilder/powerlifter/strongman and other strength athletes are my family. MC is my family..all of you guys here..I stand up for what I believe is right. If those clowns ever decide to show back up, which I very much doubt they will, I will be the guy who stands up on a bench press, and announces to the whole gym that we have undercovers here and call them out. I firmly believe AAS should be legal. I firmly believe that arresting and incarcerating people who use is abusive to say the least. ..

"Do you think that we want those laws to be observed?
We want them broken. There’s no way to rule innocent men.
The only power the government has is the power to crack down
on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them.
One declares so many things to be a crime that
it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."

~Ayn Rand~

That is an awesome attitude! Ayn Rand is one of my favorites. Her philosophies are brilliant.
Man I would've done very similar. Not sure I would've told them to go fuck themselves but I definitely would have said something smart. I don't blame you at all for acting that way after the past you have endured. Like I've said in the past, the sheriff of my city and a few of his deputies train at my gym and they know what's going on, but as long as it is not out in the open they let it be. They understand what it is like because they have competed in the past and know the lifestyle. The sheriff has even said he doesn't care what anyone does with AAS as long as they aren't selling to kids. So I guess until someone decides to make them do something about it they won't and that's the way it should be in my opinion. To me it always seems like the cops who are envious of bigger guys are the ones who want to bust users the most
I got caught up in the wrong side of the law many years ago and know just how corrupt and dirty cops can be. Part of the reason why I also only use legal supplements. My biggest concern with telling off undercover LE like that is my healthy fear of cops planting evidence, or straight up lying. Even if the fake charges don't stick they can really mess up your day/week/life. Cops used to pull me over or stop me at least once per week just to harass me or haul me down to the station. I remember getting stopped because my car supposedly matched the description of a stolen vehicle - of course they searched my vehicle. They found some pills in my center console which they concluded was some sort of narcotic, but was really tylenol. So of course they arrest me for felony drug possession and hold me. Charges get dropped and hear nothing of it again. Another time I got off the train and the cops stop me. I had a shaved head and they proceed to tell me that they have been having problems with skinheads in the area and take me down to the station to question me. Completely ridiculous. First of all I have never seen any apparent skinheads hanging out in the area (SF Bay Area) and I was minding my own business walking to my car. Now granted I hung around some bad people, but that does not give the cops the right to do this. They interrogated me for a couple of hours asking about people some I knew and some I didn't know. After telling them nothing, and them threatening me with jail and additional harassment they let me go. This happened various times and this is the main reason why I don't do illegal things now, for the most part stay away from people who do illegal things, and stay the fuck away from cops. I'm sure there are a few good ones, but unfortunately the bad ones ruined them all.
I just ended a relationship yetserday with a women I cared very much about. We dated almost 2 years. Her ex-husband is a state cop and has abused his power. He left her with nothing and threatned that if they went to court for the divorce, that the judges repect him and he will get everything, so she just gave him everything. They were arguing about who cliams there kid this year and ofcourse he wins. I sent him a text, actually very friendly about helping reslove the issue bc sh can get emotional. He has his Captian text me saying the phone was state police issued property and I could get in trouble. This asshole rides aroung in the cop car with a young child and doesnt put him in a car seat. He has serious depression and sleep walks and pulls out his gun telling her ex, "Get down". He comes off as a boy scout and is actually in charge (2nd) at a major city barrack. I told her that I couldnt live my life this way anymore.
I will never date a women who was married to a cop. I dont like them and have never had a pleasant exchange with a cop. Granted I dont like authoirty so I take responsibility there. When I had a lot of money, I didnt care and if they pulled me over and acted like dicks, I would call them lots of names. Now, after losing everything in a divorce, I am a hermit and for the most part, have lived a recluse lifestyle. It sucks bc its only going to get worse.
I fear my son will grow up with my attitude towards authority. I know authority should be respected but they must respect back and they usually dont. Thats when I have a problem!!
Thanks everyone for the comments..and sorry to hear of all the negative experiences :(

My intention was just to show and discuss what type of things are going on out there, I don't want to put a negative connotation on all cops, because I know its just like anything else, there are great, good and bad ones.

I think it was McGaret put it best, is that in that line of work, when they are bad, they have a step up in making people miserable, setting people up and ruining peoples lives, so that is the most dangerous part.

It is most disappointing to me to see people with genuine bad intentions in this World. I have seen in all walks, and all formats of work. I remember working a manual labor/construction type job during college years and the owners treated people like crap. They paid their staff like 8 bucks an hour, worked them like slaves, and meanwhile left work early, and the owners were making 1/2 a million or more a year. They would never let anyone get a sick day. I remember one year one kid was making 12 an hour subcontracting..The owner at the end of the year filed taxes claiming he was paying him regularly and put the kid in like a 60,000 dollar bracket. We all know 12dollars an hour comes out to be 24K per year..He went through hell to prove otherwise. Meanwhile we all found out the guy was billing him out at 45dollars an hour, paying him $12 dollars and then tried to F*** him over. I don't know how some people can live with themselves.

On that note, if I was a cop and my seargent told me you are going on an "AAS" sting, you better believe I'd be out sick or have an accident moments before or request a different assignment. I couldn't go along with something I don't believe in.

If any of you have ever been to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC..it is literally heartbreaking. To watch these soldiers walk people into a dirt pit and then shoot them in the head, moments after they fall,another soldier throws a pile of dirt/lie over their body. IMO you have to be pure evil to go along with that and other things taking place in this world today.
I come from a family of cops, father and both grandfathers. Loved the old timers cus they didnt sweat the small shit. Growing up I cant
remember how many times my father would run into someone and talk with them. (another cop) After he would say to me "thats the last
guy who should have a gun or be on the force. I grew up in a pretty tough neighbrhood, lots of race riots, getting jumped walking down
the street. Some of the guys from the neighborhood are cops. THOSE ARE THE GUYS YOU WANT TO SEE WITH A BADGE. Some of them
work out at my gym or I partied with them when we were young. If they pulled you over for something small. You were respectful and they
saw some small scale shit in your car (not like a bag of M-16's), be it juice or little dope, they would call you a dumb shit and not to leave that
out in the open or next time they cant let you slide. It seems the new breed of LE are the redhots that have what I call no common "MORALS".
LOL, when I was a kid and we would get pulled over and had booze in the car. (and were respectful) the cops would take it if it was his brand and
once I had a cop tell me to buy Miller beer next cus thats what he drank then let me go with my beer. Boy, times have changed.

OH, I forgot, Wes, wish I was there to hear you go off on them. Priceless. I might have looked side to side to make sure no one else was
listening and told them to go to GNC and ask for the special stuff they have locked in the back.