Lean Bulk cycle For a show

Alex San

New member
Friends I have been searching the forum for last couple of days to construct a lean bulk cycle for my brutha , he is gonna compete in april, he is 6'1 205lbs 10 % bf, here is the cycle 16 weeker

For first 2 weeks

susta -400 mg/week

Test p 150mg eod

eq - 400 mg

primo- 400mg

Tbol -60mg/day for 5 weeks

from 3rd week

susta- 1 gram/w
eq -600mg/w
primo e -600mg/w
tBol -60mg/5 weeks

Adex-.5 mg /d

HCG 250 iu twice a week
from week 12th week gonna 4 weeks before show add anavar 80mg/d and winny 100 mg and clen accordingly. He dont wants to use nandrolones and his last cycle was of tren

My concern is that he should run the cycle through the show or he should do 12 week starting in mid november and start cutting,thanks for everyone's input and help.
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i always have cut out testosterone propionate about 10 days out, and ran my tren ace straight through the show, i also cut my igf-1 lr3 out about 10 days out, though a lot of guys on here run their igf through the show, so its all trial and error til u know what works fro you, but for a first timer, i would do it by the books and cut your testosterone out early as well as all the other compounds your using, some guys know how to use tbol through the show, but your brother should keep a very detailed journal of what and when he eats and his dosages and when he used each substance(time of day) and do a couple dry runs so to speak.

Manipualting food, and gear is crucial! and I would do a standard, carb and water load the week before the show. My first show i did everything perfect and was dry as fuck all, only issue i had was i lost a little muscle over doing cardio!
Thanks PRESSER ur advice is valuable as always,my brother started the bulk cycle with 600mg deca and 1gram test, 60mg tbol(4 weeks) , the cycle for 12 weeks ,I will post his pics once he gets jacked, he is med carb low fat and high protien diet
he could even switch to a test suspension after dropping the prop, and drop the suspension a day or 2 before the show. PSL carries it for a good price
he could even switch to a test suspension after dropping the prop, and drop the suspension a day or 2 before the show. PSL carries it for a good price
Bro I agree PSL got solid juice but as we r in canada so there is problem with cbsa and customs that s y we have to take wat ever we get, no choice
Thanks PRESSER ur advice is valuable as always,my brother started the bulk cycle with 600mg deca and 1gram test, 60mg tbol(4 weeks) , the cycle for 12 weeks ,I will post his pics once he gets jacked, he is med carb low fat and high protien diet

thats a solid plan bro! Look forward to seeing those pictures once he gets jacked as you say lol!
Bro I agree PSL got solid juice but as we r in canada so there is problem with cbsa and customs that s y we have to take wat ever we get, no choice
I understand your concern. I happen to know many canadian members on different forums that use PSL regularly and have had no problem with their orders coming through.

Either way, if you can find some test suspension, that might be good to use once you get closer to the comp.

Best of luck
I understand your concern. I happen to know many canadian members on different forums that use PSL regularly and have had no problem with their orders coming through.

Either way, if you can find some test suspension, that might be good to use once you get closer to the comp.

Best of luck
Thanks BRO for ur input