Leg day


New member
Just looking to mix things up for me and my training group... Anybody have any intense leg routines they could post? We usually start with heaavy squats followed by leg press and extensions. OUt to kill these guys today..
sometimes I preexhaust with extensions then get into heavy squats, other then that i usualy keep my routine pretty close to the same
yeah i keep mine pretty much the same my legs always seem to still beat the old weights etc. when they quit then i change it up. I cant do squats anymore so i cant help ya there. Try supersets def. a way to make ya puke.
So here is what we came up with for today... pretty good weights... will be hurting for the next few days...

Squats 315x5; 365x5; 405x5; 455x5; 495x5
Leg press 4plates/ side x12; 6plates x12; 8plates x15
Leg extensions 170x12; 190x12; 215x15 with a 20 sec hold at end
calf raise 3x15 at 250

took a LONG time... had 4 in our group....