leg workout

Glen Whitestone

New member
Ever try to split leg workouts before? I tried quads and calves one day with abs and hams and glutes another day with bi's. Man for a once in a while thing this gave me great results. I did not get results every week but when I kept this at a once a month cycle thing wow-my legs put on about a 1/4 inch in about 3 months.
I have not tried this exactly, but I'm beginning a new workout based on Bryan Hancock's HST method which is kind of similar in the way you might split it up. I'm getting good results so far, but I'll have to do it for a few weeks to really tell.
nice glenn i might try this when i start training legs again still can only go upper body due to my cartilage damage 26th goin over the mri and setting a date hopefully can get in asap and then i might have to try this if you have noticed that significant of gains its def. worth a try. thanks for sharing your idea.