legal, Legit and 100% Gear...,


New member
Take a look at a typical ad in the back of the many bb mags --HORMONE AND TESTOSTRONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY CLINIC...,
they are for real.I,m not promoting any of them,just promoting a way to be safe in all areas.heres how it works and what it costs;
You need to send blood work to them,if you have insurance its free,if not,use there lab of choice in your area and its about 40 $
The md interpets usally(really always) the lack or test levels and with a much bias opinion,he writes a script(6 months ie) for test--its your choice which blend,clomid,hcg,etc.
The script stays with the clinic and you can only purchase thru there local (usally in house) pharmacy.
A vial of Test cyp for example at 200mg/10cc's usally will run 115$ prices always change for the better depending on the quanity.
IS the price so much higher than black market? (probably)I don't know for sure--I do know that its always 100%,U S pharmacy sterile and most important,LEGAL.--
Just wanted to share another alternative.
Sounds interesting, but i doubt if they'll write out a script for a gram+ of test a week LOL.....If that were possible, i'd be there in the clinic within the hour. :D

If they couldn't provide for a 1g wkly they would be out of buisness in a heart beat.When in doubt--check it out.
I am 42 and have been seriously considering it. I see nothing wrong with it at all. They have been giving women HRT for decades.
What a peace of mind knowing your getting the best shit.
I just got back into bbing several month ago. I was going hard and heavy 18 years ago. Gear was readily aval. Now!!, it.s not only hard to find, you have no idea where it was made and if it good shit.
SO :thumbsup: :thumbsup: to HRT
V-FORCE700 said:
I am 42 and have been seriously considering it. I see nothing wrong with it at all. They have been giving women HRT for decades.
What a peace of mind knowing your getting the best shit.
I just got back into bbing several month ago. I was going hard and heavy 18 years ago. Gear was readily aval. Now!!, it.s not only hard to find, you have no idea where it was made and if it good shit.
SO :thumbsup: :thumbsup: to HRT
I am on hrt been doing it for over a year test cyponiate is what they prescribe to me the thing is you need blood work done twice a year and very expensive but worth it to me i have always believed in geting blood work done they are aloowed to prescribe to you 90 days worht at a time my insurace does cover it so it worked out pretty good for me good luck
the place i use, all i did was fax them my blood work, paid $75 for a doc script, then they send me my gear right to my front door, i ordered 15 bottles of test and they didnt say a word, very nice.
fame2002 said:
the place i use, all i did was fax them my blood work, paid $75 for a doc script, then they send me my gear right to my front door, i ordered 15 bottles of test and they didnt say a word, very nice.

15, 10cc vials of test at one time?
what kind of test bro and how much was the cost, this sounds to good to be true.
I may need your Dr!! lol
Just keep in mind that these places are in buisness to sell test--15 bottles of test for 1 cycle is moderate--what makes you think this is too good to be true?What amounts would you order for a good test cycle? And remember this--its 100% U S pharmacy made test.
Not bad.
Let me tell you that the script you receive is NOT legitimate and I don't care who wants to argue this. If the cops come a knockin' you are screwed because you will be in posession of a controlled substance without a valid script.

It is not valid because there was no meeting between you and the doctor. Faxes, mailed blood work, phone consults, etc., won't matter at all. It is NOT a valid script.

I am sure I will get plenty of responses to this one. Go ahead, give em to me. ;)

Skip said:
Let me tell you that the script you receive is NOT legitimate and I don't care who wants to argue this. If the cops come a knockin' you are screwed because you will be in posession of a controlled substance without a valid script.

It is not valid because there was no meeting between you and the doctor. Faxes, mailed blood work, phone consults, etc., won't matter at all. It is NOT a valid script.

I am sure I will get plenty of responses to this one. Go ahead, give em to me. ;)


I always thought this set up was "too good to be true"
Let me correct that-it may actuall be "true"-as in you can get your gear this way, but I always thought there was something about it that wasn't 100% legal....
hey skip
So it would be better to find a Dr. in your area and get a valid scrip? More leg work finding one to see your point of view. But this would cover your ass.
V-FORCE700 said:
hey skip
So it would be better to find a Dr. in your area and get a valid scrip? More leg work finding one to see your point of view. But this would cover your ass.

I doubt you will find one that will write a script for 15 vials of 10cc cyp though!!!
tugs said:
Just keep in mind that these places are in buisness to sell test--15 bottles of test for 1 cycle is moderate--what makes you think this is too good to be true?What amounts would you order for a good test cycle? And remember this--its 100% U S pharmacy made test.
Not bad.

that would be a very heavy 6 months cycle for me if not longer. I still think it's not legal having that much is almost enough to get ya for distribution.

I don't think to many would have luck getting that much at one time. How much were the vials if I may ask?

I am not trying to sound like an asshole but someone is surely breaking laws distributing 15 vials of test at once. I'm sure if the fda knew he would lose his license to dispense meds. Don't worry I won't tell.
They are cracking down my buddy used to order pain meds through on-line Dr's and a few of em got busted and went down.

Big brother is watching don't be surprised to see a law soon stopping this. My buddy fell off a roof this summer after getting 15mg hydro caps from a Dr in Fla (he was way fu*cked up) and was paralyzed and is now trying to sue.
Hey Skip,just had a chance to read your reply and i was surprised to hear you anwser the way you did.It remimnded me of hearing people just blurt out comments like"hey,gear is BAD for you,I hear you'll become a roid manic from it,bla bla bla"pure conjecture.Comments made without any evidence.
Recieving percriptions without ever seeing a doctor is not only legal but often the norm for many people.I myself along with family members have been given countless percriptions from doctors and dentist without ever seeing them.You mean to tell me you never yourself or heard of some one you know received a script for a toothache or something for an infection over the phone from a doctors office,or how about a husband calling a doctor for his wife cause her child die and she needs valium to get thru the weekend?I could go on and on- think you get the point.
My point is this,many of these clinics are very up and up and by being in existence,they for now,offer a safe and legal way for testostrone supplemetation.Considering that the alternative to a safe and legal way is devastating to most people--this is a way that is worth exploring.