Lifting, building mass, and hypopituitarism


New member
Hi all,

I'm somewhat of an unusual case, and I thought this would be the place to ask for advice. I have panhypopituitarism, which means that my pituitary is inactive, and I have to take some hormones orally (hydrocortisone and dessicated thyroid) or by injection (testosterone and GH). The dose is physiological, that is, it is supposed to bring my hormones levels within the range of healthy adults, and not beyond. I have blood tests every six months, in case anything needs tweaking.

I've been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for a couple of years now, and proress has been slow. I take longer to recover than most, and I don't build muscle as easily. I wanted to see if anyone any suggestions regarding the timing of my pills and shots, particularly my daily GH. At the moment, I administer my doses at the same times every day:

- Hydrocortisone: 20mg mane, 15mg @11am, 10mg @2pm, 5mg @5pm

My prescribed dose is less than this (5mg less for all but the last dose), but I upped it because it gets rid of my chronic pain and hyperhidrosis (constant sweating). Not sure why, need to ask my endocrinologist when I see him in December.

- Dessicated thyroid: 210mg mane, 60mg @11am, 60 mg @2pm

This is much higher than the recommended dose, but my labs come back with T3 and T4 within the reference range and I feel much better on it than on a lower dose.

- Testosterone (Nebido): 1000mg/4ml every 10 weeks.

Not much that can be changed here - I was due my shot yesterday but I'm travelling so it'll have to wait till next week. In the meantime, I'm using Androgel. Should I be seeing any strength gains in the days after the injection? What about when I'm using Androgel?

- GH (Norditropin): 3ml every day @10pm

This is the one that I feel could be improved the most. I was on 4ml but my IGF-1 came back slightly high, so my endo cut me back. My question is: would I be better off splitting this dose into two - most of it before at night but save a little for post-workout? What is the optimal time to administer GH? I'm interested in trying Brad Pilon's "Eat Stop Eat" programme but, given that it's based on the idea that fasting increases GH levels, I don't think it would work for me. BUT, is there a way I could simulate the effects of fasting but administering GH at the right times?

I realise that I'm asking for advice on something that even endocrinologists don't know too much about, but there are a lot of guys on this forum who have figured things out through experience, so I thought I'd get better advice here than elsewhere.

Hope that's not too confusing. Look forward to reading the replies.

Well first off ...Welcome to MuscleChemistry. As for your timing of each compound, its tough for me to say. I do know most guys administer their GH at night or early morning cause their natural gh is highest at night, but with you thats not an issue, so im realy not sure.

You also asked about splitting your test dose in 2 seperate shot rather then taking it all at once, i think that might be a good idea to mainatain more even hormone levels , but again im not familiar with the type of test your taking,

I will bump this for others who can help more, sorry i couldnt be of more assistance. And again Welcome!
Hey Presser, thanks for the bump, welcome and helpful reply.

The difficult thing about my case is that, although GH is highest at night in healthy adults, it also rises after a workout, so I'm wondering if I should be injecting a bit extra post-workout. Test also rises with exertion but, unfortunately, the one I'm prescribed comes in a 4ml ampoule, so I don't think it's possible to split the dose. I could, however, supplement with AndroGel, if it would help with recovery and muscle growth.
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Hey Presser, thanks for the bump, welcome and helpful reply.

The difficult thing about my case is that, although GH is highest at night in healthy adults, it also rises after a workout, so I'm wondering if I should be injecting a bit extra post-workout. Test also rises with exertion but, unfortunately, the one I'm prescribed comes in a 4ml ampoule, so I don't think it's possible to split the dose. I could, however, supplement with AndroGel, if it would help with recovery and muscle growth.

well u could keep the second half in a seperate syringe i guess? and yes androgel would defiantly help bro
Yea, like Presser said I'd just draw up what you wanted in one syringe then the rest in another syringe that way it'll stay sterile and ready for the next use...BTW, welcome bro
Presser said:
well u could keep the second half in a seperate syringe i guess?

hadn't thought of that, but...

Presser said:
yes androgel would defiantly help bro

it'll be easier to top up instead.

Thanks for the advice bro. I'll let you know if I see any improvements.