liquidex how to dose


New member
In an article dave pulumbo says you dont need as much as is recomened , he says if you re bulking up you need some estrogen? Whats the deal how much do you need to use?and for how long when do you start , i mean at what point in the cycle? Thanks!
at 4mg/ml, most use 1/4 to 1/2 (or as much as 1), but with a 20ml - you'd be fine and it would be worth it to run it as Gear indicated.
My general rule of thumb with l-dex is .25mg. per every 250mgs. of test.

So if you are running 500mgs test/wk. then you'd run .5mgs. l-dex/wk. also.
Lean that sounds pretty good. Everyone needs to listen to his or her own body. Start low (.25) and work up if need be. Remember that you need some estrogen in your system to grow bigger and stronger.
i know so guys that have done more with orals then back down to .5MG(mkae sure that i get that right this time) and then up it to 1mg with the first week of cloimd
As far as mg/ml that will depend on your source. I made my own and it's 4mg./ml just b/c that was easiest, and I use a slin needle to dose it.

But most price lists show 4 mg/ml

Also like much bigger said some estrogen is good, so you may only want to run the l-dex when gyno sets in along with some nolva. for a short period of time.

If you are starting off right from the start with the l-dex then test is't really for you if you can't take the sides unless it were a cutting cycle.
the question I was looking for was how to measure it from a 23 G needle or insulin needle if thats easier or may have to experiment myself.Anyone know?