Liver enzyme levels on orals


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I know the type of oral will matter. Im not running anavar the first six weeks but do plan on running maybe dbol or abombs. Anyone ever had liver panels done while on these? I realize they are gonna be elevated and the amount of time is going to matter, but I have to get blood work during my next cycle. I just want to know what to expect as far a bloodwork changes. They don't run cholesterol for this test either by the way.
I've never had liver panels run, but I always have high enzyme levels, but my doc says it could be from creatine and protein intake anyway. As long as it doesn't get out of control while I'm on, it doesn't seem to bother them or myself
bump for jt, i honestly forget what my last blood work reading was but i wasnt on any orals either so im no help