Liver protectants?



What are the best liver protectants out there? I'd also like to hear experiences on how they worked for you.
Milk thistle is what i use. Im sure there are better ones though
I've only ever used milk thistle, but liver enzymes have never been an issue for me. I don't normally use orals. I have heard good things about Liv-52 and there was a review in this months MD about a new one called Essential forte N. There was an interesting study published were it was actually tested on bodybuilders using oral AAS and the liver enzyme levels stayed within normal range during the course of the study.
All I use is Synthergine. I've asked numerous times and read multiple responses that it's all you need. It's still a bit hard for me to believe, so I always use a bit more than suggested.
teedubgee said:
All I use is Synthergine. I've asked numerous times and read multiple responses that it's all you need. It's still a bit hard for me to believe, so I always use a bit more than suggested.

I'm not familiar with that one. What is it and where do you get it?
You could get it from the board sponsor Synthetek Industries. Run a search on it, it's supposed to be a hell of a liver protectant.
I have half a bottle of synthergine from last year. I am intending taking it as an oral this time. Any advice pls? I remember somone was saying that if you drink it , it gets destroyed in the stomack. Is it true?
I really like the ingredients Myogenix Liver Fix contains. It was designed to help with their old prohormone Spawn.

I have half a bottle of synthergine from last year. I am intending taking it as an oral this time. Any advice pls? I remember somone was saying that if you drink it , it gets destroyed in the stomack. Is it true?

Not sure. I've never heard of anyone drinking Synthergine.
I really like the ingredients Myogenix Liver Fix contains. It was designed to help with their old prohormone Spawn.


Lots of herbs in there. Have you or anyone else used it? I'm interested in hearing results from anything because my enzymes always test slightly high, but I'm always worried about my wife, too since she is on cholesterol meds which can also really mess up your liver. She has been complaining of feeling general bad health lately and hasn't been able to eat very well so I'm thinking she may really benefit from cleaning out her liver.
Lots of herbs in there. Have you or anyone else used it? I'm interested in hearing results from anything because my enzymes always test slightly high, but I'm always worried about my wife, too since she is on cholesterol meds which can also really mess up your liver. She has been complaining of feeling general bad health lately and hasn't been able to eat very well so I'm thinking she may really benefit from cleaning out her liver.

I'm on my second bottle right now. Honestly can't say I feel a difference but I've never had my enzymes tested or anything like that. And never had any Liver issues. However I know my Liver is always working so I want to help him out all I can :thumbsup: In just researching what different herbs and aminos and other compounds do, I feel like this is a very complete product.
live52 or cycle support for me both keep my values in check majority of the time.
Liver support via milk thistle taken by capsule is a total scam save your money_ the only way milk thistle will help your liver if it is given by iv and alot of it in a hospital setting. Otherwise a fool and his money are soon parted,its a marketing scam
Liver support via milk thistle taken by capsule is a total scam save your money_ the only way milk thistle will help your liver if it is given by iv and alot of it in a hospital setting. Otherwise a fool and his money are soon parted,its a marketing scam

Useless post. Support you assertion with some data or at least make a hint at where one could find some that confirms this...